Mythrin: It's here! It's here! It's finally here!
Etaru: What is? And who gave you sugar?
Etaru: Spare me.  Feel free, weary treveler, to downlaod any msuic that suits your taste though sadly, my companion and I shall not join you on your quest.  Did we forget anything?
Mythrin: Ummm yeah! If there is a song from OLS that you like and it's not here, email me and I will put it up just for you =^_^= Now don't you feel special!
Etaru: Dear friend, you're really starting to embarrass me! Now, who gave you sugar?
Dum dee dum dum hehe =^_^=
Please spare me
What kind of pristesses would we be if we didn't have the theme song?  The theme song, Through the Night, is a fast pace song that's really funny.  Even though in jap, it has a really good beat and catchy music!  It's in mp3 format but you need winzip to open it! =^_^= hehe
.........You're still embarrassing me.......
Through the Night
Drink some water!  Now then, getting back on track.  Next is Melfina's song english version.  It only lasts a little over a minute and has no music but it is still a lovely song sung very beautifully.  Below it is the japanese version.  It's much longer and has very nice music to it.  If you know the words to the english one it is very easy to sing along and it's very beautiful.  Same as before they are mp3's in winzip. (jap version is hiru no tsuki)
Dum dee dum dum hehe =^_^=
Melfina's Song
Hiru No Tsuki
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