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POLL: Do you like my skins?

---Friday.January 21.2005---

Hello one and all! My first blog/update of 2005! So far the year has been good, not much different from the last though. I had such a wonderfull hoho break... Many fun times :)
Exams are nearing, I'm a slight bit freaked, but mostly I think it'll go well, I only have three exams anyway; yay for art!
So todays update was a music one! Yay music! Around 40 new songs I think... Something like that...
Me and Camille have been working (slowly) on our new project, as soon as the site's up I'll post a link. For now let me leave you with a hint. Pickles.
We geeked out so much yesterday, played my old nintendo/super-nintendo/n64. It was great fun. We also had a hawaiian hotbox in my shower, which was reaalllay fun. Then my mom stomped on the floor (basically saying get out of the shower) that was amusing...
Anyways, Enough of this foolishness, I'm off. Ciao.

---Sunday.December 26.2004---

Well, I'm drunk. I'm also a tad stoned. Having fun. It's early. like 1 am. Yes, I know, I'm so goddamn cool. Anyway, I thought I'd write a lil entry here, and wish those I haven't talked to a merry Christmas, or well, boxing day now I guess... Oh and Hapyp birthday Cheesus! Yay. So, my xmas vacation is turning out to be quite fun, seeing some people and all. Talked to my sisters and brother this morning, they woke me up with such a nice phone call. It was so rad to talk to them all again, we don't talk all that often. I'm so friggin' excited. Al's comming up!!! Yay! Gah, it's been a while. I really want to see Emma again though, I haven't seen her for years! She was a little raver child when I saw her, yes I say litte, even though she's older than me. She was so into rainbow, I can't wait to see how she's changed :)

So I drank more than half a 2/6 of Kahlua, which isn't really all that much. But it seems to be effecting me quite nicely if I do say so myself. Oh, I'd like to say thanks to the one person who's done my latest poll, I think I have an idea who you are.

So, I think I shall stop writing this, cause I don't think I have many more intresting things to say really. Oh, But I think I will leave you with the lyrics to my dear Tenacious D's "Dear Penis". Enjoy!

Dear penis
I don't think I like you anymore
You used to watch me shave
Now all you do is stare at the floor
Ohh, Dear penis
I dont like you anymore

It used to be you and me
A papertowel and a dirty magazine
That's all we needed to be getting by
Now it seems things have changed
And I think that you're the one to blame
Dear penis
I don't think I like you anymore

He sings:

Dear Rodney
I don't think I like you anymore
'Cause when you get to drinking
You put me places I've never been before
Dear Rodney
I don't like you anymore

Why can't we just get a grip
on our man to hand relationship
Come to terms truly how we feel
If we put our heads together
We just stay home forever
Dear penis I think I like you after all

Oh and Rodney
While you're shaving, shave my balls

I know you enjoyed that ^_^

G'night everyone. Ciao sexies.

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