This is a really brief run down of the stages of banding, as I see them. I got alot of this information from people who led me through the banding process, but in no means is this a clinical process or anything. Just my personal observations. Most people I've talked to go through a similar process, but it might not be identical to this one.

Pre-Op | Post-Op | Long-term

Desperate Curiosity After every diet and growing desperation about our weight, we stumble on to the Band, often when researching WLS in general.
Investigative Excitement After 'converting' to the band, many hours are spent researching and asking folks questions. I found it hard to sleep at this point.
Ante-Op Jitters Shortly before the surgery, it hits home that this is a *medical* procedure. Bad scenarios and nagging doubts plague you.
Post-Op Adjustment Figuring out all the new physical sensations and emotional feelings. Drudgery of the liquid phase.
Post-Op Euphoria After seeing some weight fall off, and realizing how much less hungry you are, it feels like the band is a miracle.
Plateau Blues Eventually the weight loss stalls or stops, a sign a fill is needed. Can be a little depressing. Some people mourn comfort eating.
Post-Fill Adjustments Relearning how/when/what you can eat. Reduced portions, more weight loss. Often a repeat of the Euphoria.
Long Haul Many people have 100s of pounds to lose. Eventually it takes daily work and emotional strength to make the lifetime changes
Rejoining the World Getting at or near normal weight, losing your Fat Identity, starting new relationships, moving on from the Food Obsession.


Before and After Menus

Prospective and newly banded people often ask, "How much can you eat?" This is a complex question to answer because the AGB reduces intake over a period of time. I've found it helpful to break it down into stages, so that people understand it's a progressive thing. Personally, I love that it's so gradual -- makes the physical and mental adjustments much easier. Listed below are some of my common 'eating scenarios' -- places or times when I normally eat. It's only when I look back over my behavior at each scenario that I see dramatic reduction in the amounts I eat.

Notice how each step in itself isn't terribly dramatic, but taken as a whole it's pretty amazing. Also notice how my food choices often became healthier as time went on. Yes, I can eat meat if I want to, but it takes so bloody long to chew that it just doesn't seem worth it now. Finally, notice how pre-op I wasn't eating alot more food than 'normal' people do. I was eating 'normal' portions of everyday American food. This shows me two things: I didn't get fat by being a huge greedy pig, being a freak; American eating styles are so out of whack that we think these gargantuan portions are nomal. I literally get ill looking at people wolf down huge meals now.



I have two young boys, so we find ourselves at McDonald's more often than I'd like to admit


A Quarter-Pounder w/Cheese Value Meal -- Coke and Regular Fries
Post-Op/Pre-Fill: 1/2 - 3/4 of a Quarter-Pounder, a few fries and a regular diet Coke -- defizzed.
1st Fill: 1/3-1/2 of a Quarter-Pounder, maybe 1 or 2 fries, a few sips of diet Coke
2nd Fill: 2-4 Chicken McNuggets -- can't be bothered trying to chew the bun, maybe a sip of Coke to wash it down.
3rd Fill: 1/4 of a McChicken sandwich. I find a little bit of the bun helps me feel full quicker and longer.


Chevy's -- Fresh Mex restaurant

This is the home of my favorite fajitas, one of my all time favorite foods.


1 entree portion of beef and/or chicken fajitas -- usually 3-4 fajitas with rice and beans; margarita
Post-Op/Pre-Fill: 1 lunch sized portion of fajitas -- usually 2-3 fajitas, no beans or rice, some sour cream and guac; margarita
1st Fill: 3/4 lunch portion -- 1-2 fajitas; diet rum and Coke
2nd Fill:

4-6 bites of grilled shrimp or chicken, no tortillas, some grilled veggies, half of a lime rickey (club soda, vodka and lime juice)

3rd Fill: NA -- haven't even been back in months!


Ed's Diner

A favorite workplace eatery. Traditional American Diner Cuisine.


Entire tuna melt, with bacon and cole slaw, diet coke
Post-Op/Pre-Fill: Most of the tuna melt with bacon, some cole slaw, diet coke
1st Fill: Half of the tuna melt, no bacon, 2 bites of slaw, diet coke
2nd Fill: 1/2 cup of chili with cheese and onions, 2 pieces of bacon, water.
3rd Fill: same


Typical Cafeteria lunch

So, I'm lazy and don't make my own lunch! But here's a typical cafe meal.


Entree -- meat, starch and veggies; coke; dessert (piece of pie, etc)
Post-Op/Pre-Fill: Most of a grilled chicken sandwich; frozen yogurt
1st Fill: 2-4 oz of cold cuts -- roast beef, chicken or fish; some grilled veggies, frozen yogurt
2nd Fill: 1/2 to 1 cup of chili with onions and cheese, 1/2c of fresh veggies with olive oil -- shredded carrots and cucumber pieces are wonderful!
3rd Fill: 1/2c soup; 1 oz of shrimp or chicken with some lettuce and chick peas -- all from the salad bar


Sunday dinner

Yes, I cook for my family sometimes!


Huge London Broil steak for the family, fresh veggies, potatoes or rolls, pie -- 5-10oz of meat, loads of sides and dessert for me
Post-Op/Pre-Fill: Baked chicken, veggies, rolls for the rest of the family. I'd eat a chicken breast, some veggies and a taste of ice cream.
1st Fill: Baked chicken -- I'd have about half a breast, a few veggies and share a popsicle with my toddler
2nd Fill: Poached salmon -- 2-3oz for me, some veggies, shared popsicle.
3rd Fill: 1/2c of romaine hearts and 1/2oz of chicken





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