
BandstersInsurance Discussion Group:

One of the most important subgroups, this one is dedicated solely to American medical insurance issues such as coverage and appeals. If you have an insurance question, please check this group out. Don't send me your questions, because I don't know -- these people do. They have a large database of plans and history of coverage as well as appeal letters that work. This is invaluable for those seeking insurance coverage.


Obesity Law Center:

Run by Walter Lindstrom, this San Diego law practice is devoted solely to issues surrounding obesity discrimination in the US. Not only does Walter take on discrimination and accessibility issues for our large brothers and sisters who are not persuing WLS, he fights insurance companies to provide banding (and RNY) services to their members. If you get a denial and the BandstersInsurance list is not enough help, here's the next stop. Walter is an RNY vet who has also testified in front of the FDA in favor of band approval.



Bandsters Offical Homepage Listing:

There is a somewhat outdated list here -- mostly comprising of the surgeons participating in the FDA trials and foreign surgeons who have been banding for years. We're working on updating this list, but it still gives you the most experienced surgeons. Experience is good -- so this is a good place to start.


Inamed Corporate Contact:

Inamed, the manufacturer of the Lap-Band®, provides a form for prospective patients to request information and local surgeons. Word around town is that it's a bit slow to get a response, but it's not a bad place to start.


Regional Bandster Discussion Groups:

This list is restricted to members of the Bandsters Discussion group -- just another reason to join -- but it's a fairly up-to-date list of all the splinter Bandster groups. Included are regional lists -- which are full of information about loca surgeons and how their offices work.


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