The trip to Bangor - 1967
The following pictures shows George, Pattie, her sister Jenny, John and Cynthia Lennon, Michael McCartney (Paul's brother), Paul McCartney and Jane Asher sitting in the audience at the London Hilton listening to their first meditation lecture by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on August 24, 1967.
August 25, 1967: The Beatles plus Pattie, Jenny Boyd and Cynthia Lennon, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull boarded a train at Euston Station, London, bound for Bangor, Wales, to attend a five day introductory meditation course. Cynthia Lennon was barred from boarding the train and she and Jane Asher were driven to Wales by Beatles roadie Neil Aspinall. Some of the following pictures are from the arrival day in the Teacher Training College lecture hall.
August 27, 1967: Brian Epstein died in his London flat. The Beatles party were informed and had a private meeting with the Maharishi. Afterwards, they had a photo session with Henry Grossman. Posing with the Beatles are the Maharishi, Cynthia Lennon, Pattie and Jenny Boyd, and Jane Asher. Later that day, George, Pattie and Jenny returned to London in a hired car.
Pattie and George returning from Bangor
Late August: After returning from Bangor, Wales, the Maharishi held an evening meditation in the London home of one if his followers. The four Beatles, Jane, Pattie, Maureen (just out of the hospital after having Jason - she didn't go to Bangor), Mike McCartney, Marianne Faithfull and Mal Evans attended.
October 18, 1967: Pattie and George with Harold and Louise Harrison attended Brian Epstein's London Memorial Service at the New London Synagogue. They hadn't attended Brian's funeral in Liverpool so Brian's family wouldn't be upset by the press.
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