Welcome to Sailor V's Advice Column!

Sailor V (aka Mina), the champion of love and justice, wants to help you with your problems.� She knows all about friendship and will offer her sometimes sound, sometimes wacky advice.� If she can't help, she'll look to Artemis, her faithful guardian for the answers!

Featured Dilemma:

This week: dealing with a crush.

Dear Ignored,

I know just what you're going through!
When a boy doesn't pay attention to you it can mean a number of things. Is it possible that he really doesn't like you? Perhaps. He may actually like you and not have a clue about how to react towards you or he may think you are far too "available." Boys appreciate a challenge. Turn the tables and ignore him. Don't say hello, don't smile, don't even look at him. One of two things can happen here. He may scramble to get your attention (which is what you want). Worst case scenario is that he does nothing and keeps ignoring you. If he's that much of a jerk, he's not worth the time it takes to say hello. Find yourself a cutie who is worth the time.

Good luck!

Sailor V

Dear Sailor V,

There's this guy I've liked since 5th grade (I'm in 7th) and he hates me when there is nothing that I did to him. Every other girl I talk to says he's really nice, but if I say hi to him he ignores me. (and I know he heard me). What should I do?


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