

The Meaning of Life

June 1, 2005

Many times in the past, I was stucked whenever people asked me if I know the meaning of life? "What is happiness"? I could not give an answer until recently I truly appreciate the meaning of life, and what is happiness to me. It is having the time all to myself, staying at home, relaxing and sleeping, without having to bother about anything and everything. That to me is happiness. Sounds unfriendly, cold... especially when i have a family and a daughter. I believe I must be bogged down with lots of mundane and routine stuff everyday... and tireness is killing me. I enjoy such happiness occassionally when I leave my daughter in my MIL's place while I slipped off to have a good rest... guilty! Yes, I feel guilty... so such happiness only happen once in a long while.

I love the company of my daughter, only when she don't throw tantrums and behave herself - that's why I call her the little empress. But she's cute and adorable to being with. My husband and I love her. So does the whole family. I wish I could slowly recount all the wonderful things that she brought to our lives....



RX is on Pediasure now. Last time used to be very loyal to S26, Promil Gold, and Progress Gold. Pediasure was a supplement then, now, it has became the main course for all her milk feeds.

Pediasure is from the Abbott family. I have joined the Abbott Family Rewards so that for every ten tins of Pediasure I bought, I can have one tin free... heee! RX wasted the milk powder very fast! She finished one tin in approx a week, but only half of it gets into her stomach, as for the other half, only one- third gets digested.



June 2, 2005

We brought RX to the stadium last evening. She didn't jog of course, she cannot even walk properly, not to mention jog! Yes, she's slow in her motor skills, but everything else like speech, she's good. She can sing many songs and can change the lyrics of songs to funny ones, and in tune!!! It's pretty amazing to listen to her sing.

Tim and myself jogged. I stopped after one round. It's been eons since I last jogged. Tim completed the 6 rounds for 2.4 but failed by some 2 mins. He's practising hard for his IPPT.

After one round, I brought RX to practise the staircase. She likes to go up the stairs but afraid to come down. I'm pretty worried. I recalled that she dared not even walk into the lift because of the narrow gaps below. I'm wondering how long would she take to overcome all these fears?

Anyway, the trip to stadium was a new experience to RX... she enjoyed herself. I stuck a mosquito patch
on her clothes so that those irritating insects don't get near her. After the whole stadium trip, I realised that I need to scratch or squeeze the patch for it to work!!!


I joined the IDOBABY forum lately. I must say it is a fantastic and informative website. I have sought of migrated from the SingaporeBrides' forum, since they revamped the motherhood forum to another platform called SingaporeMotherhood. The SingaporeBrides' website is marvellous as well, but it is more for wedding couples, as the name suggest.

Her First Passport

June 3, 2005

 RXpassport.jpg (50284 bytes)RX has a passport at last! This was one of the photographs I took of her for her passport but was rejected by ICA. She likes to pose for the camera, but she'll always tilt her head. Her passport was made two weeks back. We thought of bringing her to HK disneyland sometime in November. Just a thought, I don't think it'd be fulfilled. Bringing her abroad is a big headache, I can't imagine how stressed we would be.

Last night, rx didn't sleep well. She was crying in her sleep, shouting for mummy. The bad dreams seemed to repeat three times, as I remembered having to stroke her gentling thrice, to assure her that I am around. Tim also sprung up from his mattress on the floor to console RX. He is still as anxious about her precious daughter as ever. Life for him is not easy. He works 7-days-76 hours week, returned home every late evening at around 10.30pm to have his dinner... then played with rx till midnight before he can turn in for a hopefully peaceful sleep till 7.30am the next morning. Can anyone imagine such a life?!?



I surveyed the IDOBABY forum lately to look for those good childcare or playgroups to send RX to... It's about time I start thinking on this. She's already 2 years and 4 months old. I learned about Learning Vision. Not bad! They have two branches at Punggol. But I don't intend to send her on a fixed routine childcare yet. More for some Saturday sessions where I can bring her for some interaction and socialising activities with other kids.

I also start looking for some kids' events and activities on weekends so that I can expose RX to more children. Alas! Couldn't find one! Only some storytelling sessions held at libraries, but they mostly fall on weekdays, and are catered more for 4 years and above!

I just knew about this Little Ones club at Takashimaya. They have what I want. BUT the activities are catered to 3 years and above. RX can only scribble, don't think the painting activities are suitable for her.



June 5, 2005

Good thing that I jotted these down in my draft box whenever I'm bored with work... Here's rx's ABC when she was one year old. These were her straight-forward answers. Nowadays, when you ask her, she'd paused and not tell you, or purposely give a wrong answer. Those were the days...

LT: Rui Xuan, A is for...?               RX: apple

LT: B is for ...?                             RX: banana

LT: C for...?                                 RX: cat

LT: D is for...?                              RX: dou-fin (dolphine)

LT: E is for ...?                             RX: eeee-leephant (elephant)

LT: F is for ?                                 RX: fissssh (fish)

LT: G is for ...?                             RX: girl

LT: H is for..?                               RX: house

LT: I is for ...?                              RX: ice-cream

LT: J is for ?                                  RX: jam (although she doesn't know what jam is)

LT: K is for..?                                RX: (puzzled)

LT: kite!                                       RX: kite! pheeew, (action and sound of flying)

LT: L is for?                                  RX: leeion (lion)

LT: M is for?                                 RX: mitten

LT: N is for?                                  RX: nooose (nose)

LT: O is for ?                                 RX: ORRR-enge (Orange)

LT: P is for?                                  RX: payaya (papaya) 

LT: Q is for..?                               RX: (blur)  LT: queen

LT: R is for?                                  RX: xuan xuan

LT: S is for...?                               RX: star

LT: T is for...?                              RX: (blur..)   LT: tiger, table...

LT: U is for...?                               RX: umm-bela (umbrella)

LT: V is for ...?                             RX: (don't know)

LT: W is for...?                             RX: water


Everybody... Clap Your Hands!

June 6, 2005

RX didn't sleep well again last night. I hope it isn't going to be another sleep problem phase again! She cried in her sleep a few times, sat up in bed... but luckily I managed to made her lie down again. She's seems to be having nightmares... she's been talking and crying at the same time but I couldn't recall what she said.

Last evening at MIL house, she sang to all of us... she stood proudly in the centre of her supporters (Tim, myself, MIL) and sang ABCs, London Bridge, etc... and at the end of each song, she said "everybody... clap your hands!!!" She's so adorable! We clapped of course!!!

On our way home, in the car, she wanted daddy to play her favourite songs. The amazing thing is that she knows which tracks her songs were. "I want Barney song, number 8"; "Baa Baa Black Sheep, number 10"...


Say Cheese

June 7, 2005

Picture39.jpg (15944 bytes)This morning rx saw me using my handphone when she woke up. She immediately sat herself up in bed and said "xuan xuan take picture". This is the photo I took using my K700i and that is her favorite pose! Just like this one below, when I asked her to pose for the camera phone.

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Thoughts and Feel in the First Three Months

June 8, 2005

Managed to dig this out. It was written during my maternity leave at home... glad that I kept a record then...

Life being a parent is hectic, ... exhausting.

Every night, Tim would crawl out of bed to check the slightest squirms let out by Rui Xuan in her Million Dollar cot. Before she perform her routine cry for milk, Tim would stagger to the kitchen, half-asleep to prepare milk for the next feed. If he cannot make it for the night (after a day's hard work), he would knock me out of my dreams, and fall back to sleep again.

For me, dreams has never been complete since Rui Xuan was born. Many times, I yearned for those good old days when I was still single and carefree... (Day dreaming: wake up on a good Sunday morning, with breakfast awaiting... having yummy crispy you-tiao, prata, ... with coffee, lazing around, watching TV and waiting for Tim's call to ask me out... those were the DAYS! How I wished the clock would turn back for me to appreciate those days more.)

So I'm the second Officer-in-charge when Tim cannot make it. It would then be my turn to crawl out of bed to attend to our precious daughter. Feeding is a difficult task. It usually last for an hour or more. Each time during feeds, I would pray that Rui Xuan sucks properly and continue to the very last drop of breastmilk prepared for her.  Usually though not always, she finished only half of the milk and stop... she stopped. She will either stop and struggle because of wind or fall into sleep. The struggling episode was more dramatic. It was difficult to burp her. If she fall asleep, it would just be a heart pain of wasting my breastmilk.

Rui Xuan is cute. I love the way she was wrapped up for sleep. Her hands can't move and she can't struggle... she'll just stare at you quietly and innocently... so lovable! There are times when she can make you so happy. She can be startled by her own fart while sleeping... it's so funny! Sometimes, she shakes her head so violently and in a split second she would fall back in place, sound asleep like nobody's business. Her mouth makes an "woo" when she wants to do her business... and she smiles in her sleep too. When she is full and satisfied, she wants to talk! She smiles and look at you and make her own sounds "herr, hoa....". Her best performing stunts are her flying kicks in the air.

I wished Rui Xuan would grow up as healthy and happy, as her name suggests.

~ March 15, 2003 ~


WHERE? The Noose ah... because the Porridge

June 10, 2005

That was her first exclamation when the porridge gets to her nose instead of her mouth while I was feeding her. Whenever something hits her or she hits some object accidentally, her first word is always "WHERE?!?" Then I would point to my elbow which has accidentally knocked her head, or my foot which she nearly tripped over... what a mother am I...

I must admit I'm really blur and careless. Once I knocked her down while I was walking towards the window (in the house), without noticing her in my path... She cried out very loud but she didn't realise it was my fault. She blambed the window instead. I was very guilty. On another occassion, she fell to the floor while trying to reach my handphone. She knocked her heads on a few occassions all because of my recklessness. I hate to confess.


Her Collections

June 11, 2005

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These are her favourite goun-goun, queueing up to buy tickets to the amusement park! Each ticket cost $2.

Ticket seller (LT): Hello! How are you?

Buyer (RX): I'm fine!

Seller (LT): What's your name?

Buyer (RX): goun-goun! (apparently all the buyers have the same name- all of them are called goun-goun, those that look exactly like bear are "bear")

Seller (LT): How many tickets do you want?

Buyer (RX): Six!

Seller (LT): OK, there you are, $12 please!

Buyer (RX): nah! (and off goes the goun-goun with the tickets)

Seller (LT): ehhh, you forgot to say thank you!

Buyer (RX): Thank you! Byeeee....!

Seller (LT): OK, enjoy yourself!

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These are RX's collection of fairy tales. The first one is The Magic Porridege Pot. She remembers most of the stories and will finish the sentences when we read to her.


Sesame Street @ Marina Square

June 13, 2005

We brought RX to Marina Square where Sesame Street's characters came alive. She was happy to watch Elmo, Bert, Cookie monster and Ernie sing and dance. She cooperated with us throughout the trip and seemed to enjoy herself. Insisted on walking and climbing the stairs and sing songs on her way home. She can talk and sing non-stop in the car until we reach home... whoa!


Kite Flying

June 20, 2005 (RX is 2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks)

Last evening, we brought the rx to the open field accross the road, to fly kite! Yes, but there's no wind... no wonder no one was there! Those people really know when to fly kite, huh??? We appeared silly and returned home after a short while.

The weekends are the only time I spend two full days with the kid and note interesting developments in her. Yesterday, she stood on one leg, leaning against the sofa. I warned her to be careful and she replied "The tin soldier only stand one leg can!" Nowadays kids learn really fast!




The Weekends

June 27, 2005

A series of photos taken during the weekends. Ooohh.... forgot her Barbie doll house set which we bought for on Sunday. The kid is obsessed with it! She played until midnight and refused to go to bed!!!

Explanation of photos (top down):

1. The amusement park for all goun-gouns

2. Imitating her mummy reading the papers

3. Trying to brush her own teeth.

4. She asks me to take a picture of her "pi-gu" - very naughty!


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