

Where is my Best Friend?

July 23, 2005

Has been pretty busy lately.

RX best friend is her favourite mitten. I asked her the other day, is goun-goun your best friend? She said "No! Mitten!!". Now whenever she wants her mitten she'll say, "Where is my best friend?"

She is growing up. She'll pretty tall for her age and she looks like a three-year old kid rather than a two-plus. Whenever I reached home, she would have lots of things to tell. "The lizard huh, there ah, so fast..." or "Xuan xuan drink milk ah, don't want porridge, mouth open small small like that..." Indeed, she knows her own problems. She has been eating porridge with small mouthful... I really have no patience for that! This is the biggest headache thus far for now, at this stage!

I hope to enroll her in a childcare soon. Enquired one at AMK next block to the ma-ma house. It is a residence committe-runned childcare and it caters to all age groups, including student care. Don't really like it, but I'll bring RX there to observe how the teachers conduct the classes before I decide. I really wonder what are RC's standards?




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She seems ready for school. Who knows..., until she begins.

Scared of Everything

July 25, 2005

Kids at her age are "not afraid of heaven or earth", but this little rui xuan is scared of everything. She is scared of the little hole in the door. When she plays, she makes sure she does not sit with her back facing the door... perhaps she's scared that some monster might just jump out from that little door hole. RX dare not walk into the lift... she insists that I carry her in. She's scared that she might drop into that gap when she cross over it. No, actually she does not provide reasons for all these mysterious fears. She is a very timid kid. I think I need to read up on how to help her overcome all these fears. I thought she is ready for school, but when I brought her to enquire, she cried upon seeing the administrator... my goodness!


Xiao He Shang

July 30, 2005

Rui Xuan has been watching lots of VCD. She is capable of singing many songs, both Chinese and English. I like it when she sings the "xiao he shang" (little monk). Her pronunciation for some words is perfect, especially, "pu-sa! bao-you! bao-you wo, ping an de dang he shang" - that was the most adorable part of the song.


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