

Birthday Coming

January 7, 2006

I missed writing my Journal for a few months. I guessed I was busy and there were more important things to take care of. I was expecting. Since October. RX has been psycho-ed that mummy is expecting a ��di-di��. Everybody is hoping that it will be a boy this time round. I��m also pressured with such expectations.

RX Birthday is approaching �C 29 January. It coincide with the first day of Chinese New Year. She was too young to know what she wanted for her Birthday. When I asked her, she said she wanted ��presents��. Last time when I asked her what Birthday cake she wants for he birthday, she replied ��bolster cake�� with ��strawberry flavour��.





Tumble Tots Days

January 14, 2006

Now, RX goes to Tumble Tots every Sunday, starting last Sunday. She seems Ok with the environment, cos�� we stayed with her throughout the 1.5 hrs session. It was mainly play, with some songs, art and craft and storytelling. She was very bad at physical play despite the fact that she was the oldest among the kids. She doesn��t know how to jump. Dare not crawl across the tunnel-net, dare not do summersault. When the teacher encouraged her to do so, she fiercely replied ��NO��! Even the teacher is scared of her. Overall, she seems to enjoy herself.

But the timing is not good. It started at 5.15pm. So every Sunday, we need to rush through her dinner before sending her to Tumble Tots�� and she��s always end up with little porridge or no porridge at all.





��Show�� at 18 weeks

January 27, 2006

In pregnancy, ��show�� refers to vaginal bleeding. I had it during my last routine checkup on 25 January. I was 18 weeks only. It worried us a lot. At the same time, we get to know the gender of the baby. I am expecting a boy! So we have both a good and bad news. That night I didn��t go for the early reunion dinner. I was forbidden to go visiting during CNY. I was given a relaxant jab and have to be put on salbutamol and propanonol.

Nevertheless, I have decided that I will go for the actual reunion dinner tomorrow. I should be fine.





Happy Birthday!

January 29, 2006

"Happy Birthday to you�� happy birthday to you" �C that was the song sung both both of us to our precious daughter. It was a quiet birthday celebration �C just a Disney princess ice-cream birthday cake from Swensen, three candles and a birthday present from me.

After the song, RX was asked to blow her three little candles but she refused. She asked me to blow for her. Alas, she still can��t blow candles! Anyway she was happy to receive the little present.





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