Because of the heavy workload that the founder of the Ultimate Lawsuit has been under in bringing this lawsuit forward to its conclusion, regretfully, apologetically, this newsletter page has been virtually unattended to for over 2 years.   But during that 2 years so much has been discovered and uncovered about this most evil organization and what they did during the years of 1953 to 1962, that the delayed results have been worth it!

You should know that, because of some of the most incredible discoveries ever known to exist exposing the frauds that the Internal Revenue Service federal agency, and two other departments of the federal government along with them, are guilty of committing between the years of 1953 and 1961, or perhaps 1962, there are now 87 potential fraud charges being brought against them, charges based purely on facts, ACTS that they did, not controverting points of law.  This means that no judge of any judicial court is allowed (judicial court rules, Supreme Court determination) to try this case in a federal district court; a jury, or trier of fact, must be required to try it, nothing less.

In addition to the 87 counts of fraud involving facts, plain to see and obvious to the understanding fraud, there are 2 counts of [f]actual treason, not the usual "patriot rhetoric" kind (no disparagement intended), but the kind of treason, committed by Congress and attempted to be employed by the IRS two days later, that would bring about enemy bombs being dropped on the West Coast States, enemy troops landing on our shores and killing our civilian population, men, women and children, as well as military troops, treason as defined in federal law by the Congress itself.  Because this act of treason was and is incorporated directly into the IRC of 1954 itself, it raises one of the most serious legal questions about that law, or any law, of our time, which is:

If an act of fraud VOIDS OUT the legitimacy of the act or condition to which it is associated or is connected to, and since the scope of Treason is so much greater in its seriousness than any common fraud, Would An Act of Treason, Real Treason, VOID OUT The Entire Law Which The Treason Had Been Passed Into, not just the part of the law where the Treason itself was contained?

It is the Ultimate Lawsuit's Founder's position that the incorporation of an act of Treason, committed by the passers of the law themselves, committed by those same people whose undeniable duty was to defend against, and certainly not to commit, an act of treason, is such a heinous and vile and filthy act, that NO part of such a law passed can be regarded as valid or not void in its entirety, regardless of how innocent other parts of that law may appear to be. . . for because of the terrible gravity of such an insidious and treacherous act, EVERY Part of that Betrayed Law (for the Law itself has been betrayed, along with the people) MUST Be Regarded as Suspect of other Treasonous Intents and Purposes, in the least of it, and therefore, by every means that can be considered, . . .  THAT SAME LAW MUST BE DEMANDED AND UNREVOCABLY ADJUDGED AND HELD BY ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE - AS VOID!

That would be the  I.R.C.  of 1954 itself!


You should also Know that there is a major other case arising within the ULS case itself, a case involving a First Amendment violation of such seriousness and magnitude, that it could actually result in an All-Out religious civil war, the kind that has plagued Ireland for over 400 year, putting this whole nation in critical danger solely for IRS gain, a dangerous position for the people and the governments to be put in, in danger over what the IRS federal agency has done and is still doing to this very day.  This religious war offense is serious enough to have them manditorially dismantled by Congress altogether.

Because of the ton of weight of the evidence now uncovered against the IRS federal agency, it must and will come down - legally!  In fact, so heavy is the weight of evidence against them that the two videos that are made available to applicants becoming members, that the first video - 3 hours & 22 minutes long - and a Silent Video!, has been reported as watched by some members as much as 3 to 4 times - all the way through, and the second video, "The Fingerprint Inside The Crime Scene," 142 minutes long and also silent, has astonished people with the depth of the "fingerprint" discoveries therein.

No, there has never been amassed so much hard evidence against them in the history of our country.  But that having been said, it should also be known that it is not and never has been the Ultimate Lawsuit's founder's disposition to blame the innocent employees of the IRS federal agency, since most of them (or probably all of them) were not even around as employees of that organization during the years of 1953 - 1961, except if upon finding out and coming to an understanding of the truth of the crimes committed against the people in the frauds around which this lawsuit is to center, they maintain the position that the IRS federal agency has done nothing wrong, and determine to go on, tormenting the people, regardless of the truth that they have learned.  Such as these are will be remembered, and not forgiven, when the time comes.  For all innocent IRS others, it is only a job that they happen to be employed at, as a matter of economic need, and nothing more.

Because of the importance of keeping the fires of freedom burning, and being only one person, even though with a reputation of being the # 1 constitutional law expert in the nation, having more in-depth constitutional knowledge than many, many attorneys, as a consideration of the ULS founder's need to be free to work on getting the lawsuit under way, this will be the only update given until the time comes that we are officially filed and underway in the court of original jurisdiction in this upcoming class action lawsuit ,to be the ultimate lawsuit against the IRS federal agency.

Other updates are still provided weekly on the ULS founder-hosted private conference calls.  If you are invited there by someone that is a member of the lawsuit, then welcome there - IF your purpose in coming to that call is for positive support of the Ultimate Lawsuit, not for a purpose to impede, disrupt, or damage it.   Only those persons in positive support of the ULS lawsuit causes are invited and allowed to be there; all others are not permitted or welcome to attend.


                                            ULTIMATE LAWSUIT 2001 NEWSLETTER EDITOR

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