Colorado divorces

Children in shared physical custody have "normal time" with both parents. colorado divorces Ohio divorce. When mothers have sole custody, "Sunday Dads" often shower kids with costly activities and gifts aimed at making up for lost time. This is turn generates resentment from mothers who are left with the less glamorous jobs of setting limits and disciplining. When your children live part-time with both of you, these inequities tend to disappear. colorado divorces Statistics on divorce. 4. Joint physical custody may lessen or eliminate the traumatic sense of loss and rejection children often feel when a parent moves out. If your children are allowed continuous access to both parents, they are more likely to adjust to the divorce and be able to focus on, " the totally absorbing business of growing up, on schedule" (from Mom's House, Dad's House by Isolina Ricci). colorado divorces Child support enforcement agency. 5. Children may benefit materially. 75% of fathers with joint custody pay child support regularly, compared to 46% of fathers whose ex-wives have sole custody. What are the disadvantages of shared custody?1. Children's daily lives can resemble Ping-Pong balls. This is particularly true when there are no consistent schedules planned ahead of time, and children move back and forth at the whim of parental needs. As a very general rule, young children need much more frequent access to parents, while middle school children and older may enjoy and tolerate longer stays with each parent. When you have several children with different age-related needs, it may be difficult to come up with a plan that works to each one's benefit. The "bounce" syndrome is compounded when each child's developmental, educational, and social needs are not considered. Children with learning disabilities, for example, will have more trouble organizing their schoolwork when they shuttle between 2 homes.

Colorado divorces

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