My First Job After Being Saved


The Lord leads me by His Spirit: worked at York Plaza from 11-5-77 to 2-28-78:

One day after being saved for a few months. I thought it was time to look for a job. But no one would hire me, because I didn’t have much of a regular work history and no qualifications to speak of. So, I came home defeated. I turned to the Lord for help I said, "Lord, I looked and no one will hire me. Will you help me find the right job? One that 1 would like and one where I could do some good, please Lord." Well, He did just that. It was a job working at York Plaza apartment complex in Edina. Everyday I would go to different apartments to fix something and as the Lord would lead, I would witness to different people. So, He got me a job I liked, and also a job where I could be used. (God answers prayers! He cares, praise God. Here’s how the story goes. At this place called Christ Center Ministries, I met a person who needed a roommate. Well, I had a little money because I sold my motorcycle and was driving a cheap car so, I moved in with him into a side by side duplex and started looking for a job before all my money was gone Well one day, a woman came into the duplex and was looking around. I believe she had just purchased it and wanted to fix up a few things She introduced herself and asked why l was there during the day. I told her I did not have a job, that I was looking for one, but no one has hired me yet. To my delight, she asked me if I would consider coming to work for her at a place called York Plaza in Edina. It was an apartment building for well to do folks. I said, "Yes ma’am." Again that shows me when you ask the Lord about something, and believe in your heart He will do it. He will. For the Lord is faithful to answer our hearts cry for help.

My plan was to work and save money, lots of money so when summer came around again. I would have enough money to volunteer myself to work at the street ministry called, Christ Center Ministries. I planned to tell my employer that I was quitting my job so I could do full time volunteer work for the summer. I did just that and told her I would be back to work for her again if she would have me back. She said she could not guarantee the job would still be available but, that I was welcome to contact her when I was ready to return to work. I knew I could trust the Lord to provide me with a job at the end of the summer, even if it was not the same one I had been working at. So there was my plan and it seemed to be working. I even moved out of the duplex and had a small apartment with real low rent, not far from the ministry. Well, on June 4th, 1 978, Jesus talked to me to give money to Pastor David Nunn. At this time, I had made enough money working at York Plaza that I could take the summer off to work full time at the ministry. Volunteers were not being paid any money there. Well anyway, on the 4th of June, I was asked out to a luncheon, by an elderly lady, my friend who was probably in her late 80’s, to hear Pastor David Nunn speak. She wanted to see this man who was a radio preacher. She would listen to him all the time. She said she did not want to go alone. While we were there, the Lord spoke to David Nunn and said." There are 16 people here who could give $350 for the in mission field." David asked all 16 people to stand to their feet. So I stood, because the Lord impressed me to. The lady, whose name was Lorena pulled on my shirt and told me to sit back down. She said, "I did not bring you here to have you give all that money." I said: "It’s OK Lorena." As I was standing up, the Lord asked me to give more than $350. The amount He said made me think a little! About one minute passed by while I was saying to the Lord, "Lord, if I give what you asked me to give, I will have to leave my volunteer work at the ministry to go back to secular work. But, it’s your money, if you want me to give it I will." So, Pastor David Nunn asked us all to come up front to get our names and our money. I went to Mrs. Nunn and asked her if I could pay the money on Monday. She said that was fine. Well, it didn’t take long for the devil to come around and whisper in my ear. You know what a liar he is! He said, "Don’t give the money, and don’t be foolish, you will be right back working again." The enemy kept on and on, even while in the bank on Monday he was right there giving me the business. I didn’t give him any attention. He couldn’t tell the truth even if he tried. I listen to God’s voice and I follow, because I know his voice. The devil quit with his harassing voice the minute I dropped the cashiers check in the mail slot! Now all I could do is wait on the Lord. Well, on June 6th, just 2 days later, Pastor Chuck Dunning asked me if I would be willing to work a night shift. Also, he said, "By the way, there will be a small check every week." I said to Chuck, "I have a story to tell you about what I did." So I told him about me giving away all my money. He said. "Praise God!" I took the job and was able to work full time at the ministry with a small paycheck. That is why to this day, when Jesus asks me to do something, I always just like to obey because He knows the beginning from the end. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is a miracle working God, I will always love Him. I knew than that my footsteps were being ordered by the Lord and to keep listening to His voice. If I do that, everything will always work out for my good. And I can truly say it has, always. Amen. Thank you Lord, bless you Lord, I love you Lord.

Written by: Evangelist Lawrence T. Scott
       Wife:   Evangelist Jennieve B. Scott




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