Contact information sheet


Print and fill out this form.  Mail it to:

Lawrence Township Democratic Club
c/o Joe Ceremele
528 Drexel Avenue
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648


If you would like a faster response, e-mail us.  Be sure to give us your name, address, city, zip, telephone and your desired volunteer activities in the body of the e-mail. Thanks

I am interested in the following. Check all that applies:
Campaigning (stuffing envelopes) Working as a paid poll worker at the polls on election day
 Campaigning (helping coordinate campaigns) Providing transportation for voters on election day
Campaigning (doing canvassing and/or making telephone calls on behalf of Democratic candidates) Writing  letters to the editor
Posting a lawn sign Hosting a coffee klatch or barbecue
Registering people to vote  Have Joe call me
Walking with local and/or county candidates in my neighborhood Serving on the Democratic municipal committee
Challenging for the Democratic Party at the polls on election day I am not sure. Please send me literature or have the chair call me
 Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City, State and Zip : __________________________________________________________________
Phone Numbers (home and work): __________________________________________________________________
E-mail : __________________________________________________________________





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