Tuesday Warfare (3/5)

From the Kansas Coliseum in Witchita, Kansas


A video montage is aired before the show starts.  “Wait and Bleed” by Slipknot is playing during the various clips showing some of the action from the first full week of XHW cards.  It shows brief clips of all the wrestlers entrances into the XHW Hardcore Rumble from last Tuesday.  Blaze is shown putting his now tag team partner, Venom, through a table with a Blaze Buster!  Also Shadow hitting Blaze with a sledgehammer and then throwing him out to become the Number One Contender for the World Title.   A clip of Doomsday executing the “Doomsday Device” on IKK through a table on the outside is shown.  Bruce Bolt making The Reverend pass out, then The Reverend attacking Mikey, making him lose his match.  KroniK’s victory over Venom in the steel cage is shown as well as his interference in the Blaze vs. Shadow match.  Quick flashes of The Milkman vandalizing ThirdIBlind’s truck, D.M.K cutting on ThirdIBlind, and TIB attacking The Milkman on Live!  Flashes of all of the wrestler’s faces and then the montage ends with Prez. J. Davis saying, “This is the X…H…W!”


“Dig” by Mudvayne hits and Tuesday’s pyros explode!!  Welcome to the Kansas Coliseum in Witchita, Kansas.  There is a near sell-out crowd here tonight and Warfare should be our best show yet!!


“Fear” by Disturbed hits and we are set for action here on Warfare.  A red light scans the crowd as very angry Shadow enters the arena.  On his way to the ring a clip of Mikey hitting the “HFO” on Shadow and getting the 1,2,3 on Live! is shown.  Shadow jumps up onto the ring apron and glares at the crowd.  He enters the ring and awaits Ice Kold Krusher for this first match.

The arena goes blue and a strange chill overcomes the crowd.  IKK descends from the rafters and unstraps the ice box that is on his back.  He enters the ring and we are ready for our first match.

Match #1: Shadow vs. Ice Kold Krusher


IKK attacks Shadow as soon as he hits the ring!  Krusher throws him through the ropes and follows him outside.  He hits him with the freezer door, then throws him over the guardrail.  Ice Kold Krusher with a Tombstone piledriver on the cement.  Cover…1…2…kickout.  IKK tries a choke slam, but Shadow blocks it and nails him with a hiptoss.  Shadow hops back over the guardrail and looks under the ring.  He retrieves his sledgehammer and hits Krusher in the face with it.  Shadow grabs Krusher and whips him into the freezer at ringside.  Shadow with a bulldog.  The Shadow Master with a whip into the guardrail on his opponent.  Shadow is handed a chair from a fan and hits Krusher in the small of the back.  Shadow with a bodyslam and then he whales on his opponent relentlessly with the sledgehammer.  Shadow attempts a leg drop from the apron, but IKK rolls to safety.  He picks up the sledgehammer and nails Shadow with it!!  Ice Kold Krusher with a side suplex.  He follows that up with a thrust kick to Shadow’s head.  IKK with a spinning power bomb…1…2…thr…shoulder up.  Krusher continues the offence with a leg drop and then a set of stomps.  Krusher picks up Shadow and hits him with a piledriver.  Ice Kold Krusher locks on ‘The Freeze Out” and Shadow submits immediately.

Winner: Ice Kold Krusher


(Commercial Break)


(After returning from a commercial, the picture turns into a shot of The Milkman Brian Baloney wide-eyed in a locker room. A stunning blonde in tight cow-print pants and a black shirt with the words "Udderly Amazing" is tending to bandages on the back of the Milkman’s head)

Milkman: "He hit me in the face!" 

Blonde attending to him: "I know"

Milkman: "In the face! And the back of the head!"

 Blonde: "Yes, we all know"

Milkman: In the face! The Back of the head!!! And when I fell, something sharp cut my arm...look! (shows the girl a tiny, healed, cut on his forearm.) LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING!!! Do you believe that?!?!?"

Blonde: "Its just plain unsportsman-like." (she places a tiny Scoobie doo bandage over the cut)

Milkman: "You're not kidding! I am totally shocked at the level ThirdIBlind stooped to on Sunday Live! Attacking me from behind, knocking me out cold, making my sweetheart Clara-belle here worried sick about me!! (Pulls Clara-belle over to sit on his lap) ThirdIBlind, you have done me a great favor. (Clara-belle looks confused, a way she most likely looks most of her life) Hear me out Clara, TIB did me a favor because he showed all of his millions......I mean dozens of fans, exactly the type of man he is. Face it TIB, the only way you can get a hit on me is to sneak up behind me! That’s low my friend. I...am...disappointed. So tonight, because it seems like you hate me so much, I am finally going to grace this audience with my presence. ThirdIBlind, I.......will see you in a match tonight!!!! (Long pause while the crowd chants for ThirdIBlind) Of course you won't be wrestling me though..... Clara Belle and I will just come down and watch DMK hand feed you your butt. (Turns to Clara-belle) Clara? Do you think DMK is hot? Does he look better than me? (Flexes)

Clara-Belle: (Doesn’t even notice the Milkman....staring off into no-where, smiling) He’s cute.....I guess....(smiles again)

Milkman: (Quickly turns to camera) That’s right ThirdIBlind I'm going to be the only one who comes down to ringside to watch you get blasted for what you did to me! And DMK, I dislike you a lot right now....I hope you win....but I hope you get stabbed in the throat, too. (Mutters) Cocky, well built bastard. And last but not least, Bruce Dolt. (Smirks) Don’t know what that means? Look it up. Brucey, I apologize, I'll never mention you in another one of my interviews ever again. Its just that, see, Bruce you're just one of those people I really dislike. The Reverend is going to whoop you till next Sunday tonight and I’m going to love it. Someday though, when you get to be a real star, I may let you in the ring with me. Most likely, that will never happen but at least it gives you something to shoot for. Give it all you’ve got tonight slugger. (Milkman smiles as camera fades to black)


The lights go dim and a purple fog covers the arena.  “Psycho” by Disturbed hits and out comes Doomsday.  He simply ignores the chorus of boos as he enters the ring.

“SiC” by Slipknot blares and a wall of green pyros go off at the top of the entranceway.  Acid-X paces down to the ring, slides under the bottom rope, and crosses his arms as green pyros explode from each ring post.

Disturbed’s “Down with the Sickness” hits and out walks The Insane Asylum.  They look really jacked and ready for this contest.  They have a mic at the top of the ramp. 

The Lunatic: “So you guys want to request this match do ya’?  Well, me and Psychopath, yes Psychopath not what Prez. Davis wants to call him ‘The Maniac,’ are gonna show you how crazy this fed and we are!!!”

Match #2: Acid-X and Doomsday vs. The Insane Asylum


Acid-X and The Lunatic lock up.  Acid-X with a swinging neckbreaker followed by a ropeflip moonsualt.  Cover…1…2…thr…kickout.  Acid-X with a Russian legsweep.  Acid-X with a shoulderblock.  Both men tag out.  Psychopath with a short lariat on Doomsday.  Psychopath with a dropkick to the knee, then a flying shoulderblock.  He locks on a chinlock deathlock submission, he let’s go after 11 seconds.  Doomsday tags out to Acid-X and they rock Psychopath with a double jumping DDT.  Psychopath with a backdrop and then a flying headbutt.  He tags out to The Lunatic.  The Insane Asylum with a double clothesline.  They hit Acid-X with a double dropkick.  Acid-X attempts a hurricanrana, but is met with a power bomb from Psychopath.  Psychopath leaves the ring.  Acid-X crawls over to the corner and tags in Doomsday.  Doomsday hits a running DDT on The Lunatic.  He hits him with a springboard elbowdrop.  Cover…1…shoulder up.  Doomsday is all over The Lunatic.  He delivers a series of moves including a powerslam and a jumping DDT.  D-Day with a Sharpshooter.  Lunatic manages to escape after 12 seconds.  Doomsday tags in Acid-X.  The Lunatic tags out to Psychopath.  Psychopath with a legsweep faceslam.  Psychopath with a DDT.  He goes up top and attempts the ‘Demented Drop,’ but Acid-X moves out of the way.  Acid-X tags Doomsday back in and he hits Psychopath with a German Suplex…1…2…in the ropes.  Doomsday places Psychopath on the top rope, ‘Doomsday Device’ …1…2…thr…in the ropes.  The Lunatic tags himself in and annihilates Doomsday with a massive clothesline.  The Lunatic with a shoulderblock and then a piledriver.  He hits Doomsday with a power bomb…1…2…Acid-X makes the save. The Lunatic with a Soviet suplex.  He applies ‘The Straight Jacket.’  Doomsday submits.

Winners: The Insane Asylum

After the match The Lunatic picks up Doomsday and Psychopath enters the ring.  They throw him off the ropes and hit ‘Total Insanity’ on him.  They stomp him and then leave the ring with ‘Down with the Sickness’ playing.


(Commercial Break)


(Footage of ThirdIBlind bouncing off the ropes and busting D.M.K wide open and spitting on him last Tuesday is shown.  Also D.M.K’s request for a Scaffold Match at ‘Ground Zero,’ XHW’s first PPV, is shown.)

“DX’s Theme” plays over the PA and out comes D.M.K without his manager Candi for this brutal ‘First Blood’ match-up.  D.M.K looks very confident and is mouthing the fans on his way to the ring.  He taunts on the ring apron and then awaits his opponent.

“Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC hits and ThirdIBlind enters the arena.  He is not on his motorcycle tonight but does have a 2X4 in his hand as he paces to the ring.  On his way to the ring, “Shopping Cart” hits. And The Milkman walks out with a microphone and a chair.

The Milkman: “It seems as though y’all are ready for this match.  Like I said I am going to enjoy you two beating the living snot out of one another.  Just so that you don’t get confused and hit me, I think I am going to observe this match from the top of this ramp!”

Match #3: ThirdIBlind vs. D.M.K – First Blood Match


They lock up.  ThirdIBlind with a whip into the ropes.  He hits D.M.K with a side suplex.  TIB with a chokeslam and a fallaway slam.  TIB goes through the ropes and throws three chairs into the ring.  ThirdIBlind with a Gorilla Press on his opponent.  TIB with a belly-to-belly suplex!  He follows that up with a leg drop.  TIB picks up D.M.K and whips him into the ropes, but D.M.K reverses.  D.M.K with a high dropkick.  He executes a double underhook backbreaker!  D.M.K ascends the turnbuckle and delivers top rope leg drop.  D.M.K with a DDT.  He goes over and sets up two of the chairs.  D.M.K with a piledriver.  Two consecutive elbowdrops.  D.M.K hits TIB with a Northern Lights Suplex.  D.M.K reaches down to pick up ThirdIBlind, but is met with a low blow.  TIB with a series of right hands.  TIB with a power bomb on D.M.K, then the ‘Blue Collar Slam.’  Another belly-to-belly suplex by TIB.  ThirdIBlind with a DDT onto the folded up chair.  The referee checks…no blood drawn.  TIB runs towardshis opponent, but D.M.K grabs the top rope and pulls it down.  TIB to the outside.  The Milkman folds up his chair and bolts to ringside.  He knocks TIB’s head off with a vicious chair shot, then he slides into the ring.  D.M.K is taunting the crowd and doesn’t realize that Brian Baloney is in the ring.  As soon as he turns around he is met with an equally vicious chair shot.  The Milkman then picks up D.M.K and delivers ‘The Milk Separator.’  TIB is still hurting outside the ring.  The Milkman begins laughing at his fallen enemies and at the booing audience. 


“War Pigs” by Black Sabbath comes on and Prez. Davis is shown on the Jumbo Tron.  “So Milkman, you think it is real funny that you can just interfere when and where you want, don’t you?  You think you can do whatever you want?  Well, think again!!!  You will pay for your actions at ‘Ground Zero!!!’  The D.M.K vs. ThirdIBlind, Scaffold Match has now become a three-way dance!!!!  That’s right Brian, you are now scheduled for the PPV…. Oh, and don’t think about not showing or you will get something much more career-ending done to you!  See you at ‘Ground Zero!!!’

Winner: No Contest


(Commercial Break)


(Camera opens on a large clock tower pointed straight at the clock face.  The sound of the massive clock ticking can be clearly heard).

(A voice is then heard but nothing is seen)

Man: "Tick, tick, tick, tick........Time is running down.  The entry of a devastating new brand of poison is upon you.  Soon you will realize the force

of cyanide.  You will all soon notice that nothing kills quicker than poison.

(The camera cuts out and when it is turned on again pictures of the above muggings are shown.  Evil laughter is heard in the background)

Man -"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.......If you haven’t yet noticed, cyanide has been injected into your lives.  Each and every one of you will soon realize

the pain, the rapid nature, the sheer evil of the poison.  I am here to annihilate anyone that stands in his way.  The cyanide cannot be stopped. 

The cyanide will not be stopped.

(The camera turns round and looks at a large figure which is standing with is back against the wall.  It turns round to face the camera.  The figure looks straight into the camera and loosens the shades from around its eyes and takes them off.  He extends his arm and crushes them.)

Man -"I look at you pathetic people and I laugh.  You people talk of devastation and yet you know nothing off the word.  But what you people don’t know is that I know people.  Alone were deadly but together were poisonous. What I’m talking off is a force that will decimate the Federation.  You will all realize (the sound of the ticking clock is heard in the background once again)soon…very soon.  That nothing kills quicker than cyanide"

(The evil laughter of this man is heard once again)

(The camera then shifts around to the clock which is ringing out the bells.  It is twelve o’ clock.  After the bells end the camera turns back to where the man was.  Nothing is there!)




(Video montage of the history between Bruce Bolt and The Reverend is shown.)


“Stone Cold” by Disturbed begins.  Mikey walks with a quick gait to the ring, slides under the ropes, and visits all four turnbuckles each met with a decent pop.

The lights dim and then go blue.  A blue fog covers the arena and “Southtown” by POD hits.  The crowd goes crazy.  Bruce Bolt comes out to the ring with a somewhat confident look on his face.

“Just As I Am” begins to play and The Reverend and his disciple, Big Daddy T-Bone enter the arena.  Both look very ready for this match to take place.  They slowly walk down to the ring and finally enter it.

Match #4: Mikey and Bruce Bolt vs. The Reverend and Big Daddy T-Bone


Bruce Bolt attacks Big Daddy T-Bone as soon as the bell rings.  Bolt with a spinebuster slam.  He executes the STF, but The Reverend quickly makes the save.  Big Daddy with a figure-four leglock, then the tags in The Reverend.  They hit Bruce with a double punch and then T-Bone with a bodyslam.  The Reverend climbs to the top turnbuckle but is caught by Bolt.  Bolt with a superplex.  Cover…1…2…kickout.  Bolt tags in Mikey.  The Reverend with a reverse neckbreaker.  He tags T-Bone back in and they deliver a double backdrop to Mikey.  The Reverend with a low blow.  Big Daddy with a leg hammerlock.  He lets go after 19 seconds.  T-Bone with a gutwrench suplex. The Reverend enters to make it two-on-one.  They hit Mikey with two double clotheslines and then a double elbowdrop.  Mikey somehow escapes and tags in Bruce Bolt.  Bolt with a spinning DDT on T-Bone.  Bolt with a kick, then a piledriver.  He goes to the ring apron and delivers a springboard dropkick to the rising T-Bone.  Mikey tries to come in the ring, but The Reverend throws him back out.  Bolt attacks The Reverend allowing Big Daddy to hit a forearm to Bolt’s back.  Big Daddy T-Bone places Bolt on the top turnbuckle and attempts his top-rope Frankensteiner.  However, it is countered into a super power bomb.  Bolt with a DDT.  Cover…1…2…left shoulder up.  The Reverend is tagged in and chaos ensues.  Mikey enters and hits a belly-to-back suplex on T-Bone and then executes a Bostn Crab.  The Reverend makes the save with a bulldog on Mikey.  Mikey is out of it.  The Reverend picks up Mikey and executes ‘The Baptism’…1…2…3.

Winners: The Reverend and Big Daddy T-Bone

Mikey’s music hits and out walks Mikey new manager Dangerous Lillian.  She had a Singapore cane and comes to the ring.  She clocks The Reverend in the back of the head, knocking him down.  However, his disciple, Big Daddy T-Bone, nails the ‘19.95’ on Lillian, then he executes his ‘Vertebral Grind.’  Bolt can’t stand it and he attacks T-Bone.  Bolt with a ‘Boltshooter’ on Big Daddy.  Mikey gets up and sees what happened to Lillian.  He becomes enraged and drags The Reverend to the outside and to the top of the stage.  He starts talking trash to him and hits the already numb Reverend with the ‘HFO.’  Mikey then goes backstage and returns with a dumpster.  Mikey picks up The Reverend and puts him in it.  Bolt is still in the ring tearing the unconscious T-Bone apart.  Mikey gets out a book of matches, strikes one, and throws it into the dumpster with The Reverend in it.  Mikey then pushes the dumpster, with much velocity, off of the edge of the stage.  The Reverend tumbles from the burning mess after impact.  Mikey’s music hits and he goes back to the ring to check on Lillian.


(Commercial Break)


The Cell is being lowered from the ceiling as we come back from the break.  The ring crew is securing the cage in place.


“Voices” by Disturbed begins and KroniK rushes down to the cage.  He checks the solidity of the cell and then enters it, awaiting his rival, Blaze.

Breaking Point’s “One of a Kind” hits.  ‘Blaze’ chants erupt in the arena as the man himself enters.  He acknowledges the crowd and then fixes his gaze on KroniK.  He slowly strides to the cell, enters the door and we are ready for this match to begin.

Match #5: KroniK vs. Blaze – Hell in a Cell


Blaze and KroniK get nose-to-nose in the middle on the ring.  They start jawing at one another and KroniK pushes Blaze back.  Blaze with a series of right hands and our main event is underway.  Blaze throws KroniK out of the ring and takes his face directly into the cage.  KroniK is already bleeding.  Blaze with a palm blow and then a spinebuster…1…2…kickout.  Blaze rakes KroniK’s face against the cage again.  KroniK with a low blow.  He nails a fallaway slam on Blaze.  KroniK rolls Blaze back into the ring and then enters himself.  KroniK runs off the ropes but is met with a backdrop driver.  Blaze with a power bomb.  Cover…1…2…left shoulder up.  Clothesline by Blaze…1…kickout.  Blaze with a short lariat.  KroniK ducks a super kick, and hits another low blow.  KroniK with a piledriver and then a reverse neckbreaker.  KroniK with a kick, cover…1…2…kickout.  KroniK tosses Blaze to the outside and slides out himself.  Blaze is thrown head first into the cell.  KroniK charges for the spear, but Blaze side-steps and KroniK goes head first into the cage.  Blaze with a flurry of offensive moves.  Blaze with a Japanese armdrag and then he enters the ring.  He bounces off the far ropes for momentum and dives over the top rope with a somersault plancha.  Blaze with a legdrop.  Blaze steps on the ring apron and backs off.  KroniK is rising to his feet and Blaze charges and jumps off the apron with a double-ax handle attempt, but KroniK catches him and hits him with a overhead belly-to-belly suplex on him.  KroniK with repeated forearms to the back of the head.  KroniK with a vertical suplex.  He reenters the ring.  KroniK with an elbowsmash on the entering Blaze.  KroniK with a waistlock suplex…1…2…kickout.  KroniK whips Blaze into the ropes and bends over, ready for a backdrop, but Blaze catches him and executes a jack-knife power bomb.  Cover…1…2…thr…shoulder up.  Blaze whips his opponent into the corner.  Blaze with a big splash and then a DDT.  Blaze with a triangle chokehold, he lets go after 15 seconds.  Blaze with a powerslam.  Cover…1…2…thr…shoulder up.  Blaze picks up KroniK and slips behind him.  He lifts him on his shoulders and stumbles over to the corner.  Blaze executes a ‘Blaze Buster’ onto the top turnbuckle.  Cover…1…2…thr…KroniK kicks out.  “Fear: by Disturbed hits and out walks Shadow.  He comes down to ringside and starts mocking Blaze.  Blaze is distracted and KroniK nails Blaze in the back with a spear.  KroniK collapses as well.  All of a sudden “All Over Me” begins and Venom steps out to the top of the ramp.  He has that spiked glove on his right hand and he points at Shadow.  Shadow motions for him to bring it and Venom runs full speed to the ring.  Venom and Shadow are trading blows and this brawl tumbles into the crowd.  Meanwhile back in the ring KroniK is nearly on his feet and he begins stomping away at Blaze.  KroniK slides to the outside and sets up a table near the ring apron.  He picks up Blaze and manhandles him onto the ring apron.  KroniK signals for the ‘Sit-out Piledriver.’  He sets Blaze up, but Blaze backdrops him back into the ring.  KroniK charges but is met with a headbutt to the stomach.  Blaze picks up KroniK into a suplex, but spins around and jumps off the apron.  TWISTED BLAZE THROUGH A TABLE!!!!!  Blaze with the cover…1…2…3

Winner: Blaze



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