Tuesday Warfare (2/26)

From the Myriad Convention Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


“The XHW Theme” hits and the arena explodes with pyros.  The sold-out crowd in OKC, Oklahoma is on their feet as the first ever XHW show has finally begun.

“War Pigs” by Black Sabbath blares over the speakers and President J. Davis comes out toward the ring.  Davis gets on the microphone, “I’d like to welcome everyone here to the first ever XHW Tuesday Night Warfare!!!  We have an amazing show for you tonight.  Tonight we are having the first ever Hardcore Rumble and it is for the Number One Contender’s spot for the XHW World Title!!  Let me explain how this match will work.  Much like the familiar Royal Rumble, two wrestlers will begin and every two minutes one more wrestler will enter the ring!!  However, unlike the RR the only way to eliminate someone is by submission or pinfall.  And on top of that, excuse the pun, all this will be happening inside a giant steel cage!!!  Best of luck to all of the competi…”


“Down With the Sickness” by Disturbed interrupts the President and two men enter to the top of the ramp.  One is wearing a yellow and black mask and the other black and yellow face paint.  Both men stand with crossed arms staring at Prez. Davis.  “You guys get out of here… I told you that you weren’t on the card tonight!  Get back to the back!” Davis screams into the mic.  The men charge the ring and stand over Davis.  “No, you listen to us we are here to issue a challenge to any and all members of your new XHW!!!  We are 8-time World Tag Team Champions and it seems as if everyone is terrified of us because no tag team in the world would sign with you, huh Davis.  Well, if any of you gutless cowards wanna fight we’ll give it to you!!  Just remember we are The Insane Asylum!!!!”


[Commercial Break]


We rejoin the Warfare with the Steel Cage lowering around the ring.


Hardcore Rumble for the Number One Contender’s Slot for the XHW World Title:

The lights dim and a strobe light starts flashing, “Southtown” by POD begins to play.  Bruce Bolt enters the arena and makes his way to the ring.  The lights come back on and “Voices” by Disturbed blares and KroniK marches to the ring with purpose. 


Bruce Bolt and KroniK begin this match.  The bell rings.  Bolt hits KroniK with a vertical suplex.  Then he hits him with a bulldog.  Bolt goes for the early pin.  1…2…no!  KroniK fights back with several right hands.  [2 minutes have passed]  “Just As I Am” begins to play and out comes The Reverend.  He immediately takes control of Bruce Bolt.  The Reverend hits Bolt with a jumping DDT.  He bounces off the ropes and hits Bolt with “Angel Wings.”  The Reverend covers Bolt. 1…2…3… Bruce Bolt has been eliminated. 

The Reverend hits KroniK with a bulldog.  He attempts The Baptism, but KroniK blocks it.  The Reverend nails him with a power bomb and then locks on a figure-four leglock.  [4 minutes have passed] “Stone Cold” by Disturbed hits.  Mikey charges the ring and attacks The Reverend.  KroniK and Mikey double-team The Reverend.  Then, KroniK hits Mikey with The Gore and pins him. 1…2…3… Mikey has been eliminated.

KroniK continues the assault on The Reverend.  KroniK executes a chokehold.  [6 minutes have passed] “SiC” by Slipknot hits and Acid – X quickly makes his way to the ring.  He enters the ring and locks an armbar on KroniK.  He let’s go after 19 seconds, then takes him down with a leg lariat.  Acid – X locks on a bow-and-arrow submission and it is broken up by The Reverend after 20 seconds.  [8 minutes have passed] “Ice, Ice Baby” hits and Ice Kold Krusher descends from the rafters.  IKK takes Acid – X down with a kick to the head and The Reverend hits him with a power bomb.  KroniK, in turn, attacks The Reverend from behind and whips him into the ropes.  A viscious double-clothesline on The Reverend by Acid – X and KroniK.  KroniK with the cover. 1…2…3… The Reverend has been eliminated.

Ice Kold Krusher hits Acid – X with a German Suplex.  Then, picks him up into a spinning power bomb.  IKK with the cover. 1…2…3… Acid – X has been eliminated.

Ice Kold Krusher and KroniK stare one another down.  IKK nails a German Suplex on KroniK, then he locks on “The Freeze Out.”  [10 minutes have passed.]  “Push It” by Static-X begins to play and Brian “The Milkman” Baloney makes his way to the ring.  He is really pumping up the crowd!!  During his stroll to the ring, KroniK taps out after enduring the pain for one minute and a half.  KroniK is eliminated.

[12 minutes have passed] “One of a Kind” by Breaking Point hits and fire pyros go off at the top of the stage.  Blaze runs to the ring to make it a three-way dance.  Blaze and IKK are going at it.  Krusher attempts a thrust kick to the head, but Blaze ducks, slips behind him and hits him with a pair of brass knuckles.  IKK is out cold. 1…2…3… Ice Kold Krusher has been eliminated.

The Milkman and Blaze are battling it out.  A back and forth battle. [14 minutes have passed]  Big Daddy T-Bone stalks his way to the ring.  T-Bone locks on an octopus hold on Blaze and won’t let go.  After 37 seconds The Milkman breaks the hold and attacks Blaze.  Baloney hits Blaze with a superplex  and then a stomachbreaker.  He tries to whip Blaze into the ropes but it is reversed.  Blaze nails The Milkman with a side suplex. 

Blaze attempts a short lariat, but The Milkman ducks.  Blaze knocks the unsuspecting T-Bone out cold.  Milkman hiptosses Blaze and covers T-Bone.  1…2…3… Big Daddy T-Bone has been eliminated.

[16 minutes have passed]  “All Over Me” by Drowning Pool hits and out storms Venom.  Venom halts outside the cage and analyzes the situation.  While inside the ring Blaze gets the upper-hand on The Milkman.  Blaze hits him with a German Suplex and then with his Twisted Blaze finisher.  Blaze covers…1…2…Blaze lifts The Milkman’s shoulder off the mat.  Blaze hits him with Twisted Blaze again and then covers…1…2…3… The Milkman has been eliminated.

After the pin, Venom attacks Blaze from behind.  However, Blaze is still hyped up about his pin on The Milkman.  Blaze ducks a clothesline attempt and then hits Venom with a spinebuster.  Blaze then exits the rings and slides a table into the ring.  Venom is staggering to his feet and Blaze bends down and lifts him up on his shoulders.  Blaze stumbles over to the corner and HITS VENOM WITH THE BLAZE BUSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Blaze then, sets up the table near the corner and picks Venom up.  He crotches Venom on the top turnbuckle and ascends the ropes.  Blaze picks Venom up and hits him with a TWISTED BLAZE THROUGH THE TABLE.  Blaze with the pin. 1…2…3… Venom has been eliminated.

Blaze is jacked and the crowd is going nuts.  Blaze is waiting for the next wrestler to enter the ring.  [18 minutes have passed] “Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC hits and out comes ThirdIBlind on his Harley.  He slowly rides it around the cage and then enters the ring.  [20 minutes have passed] As soon as he enters the ring, “Fear”  by Disturbed hits and Shadow hits the ring.  Shadow slips under the ropes and this is now a three-way dance.  Shadow takes Blaze down with a football tackle and then hits him with the Dark Impact.  Shadow taunts Blaze while ThirdIBlind is leaning idly in the corner.  [22 minutes have passed] “The DX Theme” hits and D.M.K makes his way to the ring slowly.  D.M.K enters the cell and then the ring.  He hesitates and then attacks Shadow.  He hits Shadow with a kick to the head and then slaps a Sharpshooter on him.  ThirdIBlind bounces off the ropes and hits D.M.K with a big boot to the face.  D.M.K is busted open!!  ThirdIBlind spits on D.M.K and takes his place back in the corner.  Shadow hits D.M.K with an elbow and then goes for the cover. 1…2…3… D.M.K has been eliminated.

Blaze stirs to his feet and attacks TIB.  ThirdIBlind whips Blaze into the ropes and hits him with the Blue Collar Slam.  [24 minutes have passed] The lights go out!!  And “Psycho” by Disturbed hits.  Pyros go off and down comes a strange grappler.  Blaze uses this distraction to his advantage.  Blaze surprises TIB and hits him with an electric chair drop onto A CHAIR!!!  ThirdIBlind is bleeding like a facet.  Blaze rolls TIB over and covers him. 1…2…3… THIRDIBLIND HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!

The mysterious wrestler enters the ring and attacks Blaze.  He hits Blaze with an avalanche, but is then attacked from behind by Shadow.  Shadow puts the wrestler in a Full Nelson.  Shadow then hits him with the Dark Impact.  Blaze immediately attacks Shadow so he cannot get the pinfall attempt.  Blaze nails Shadow with a running powerslam, but is hit with a dropkick to the knee by the other wrestler.  The wrestler places Blaze on the top-rope and hits him with a Top-Rope DDT.  Shadow hits the third wrestler with a sledge hammer!!!  He is busted open and looks to be out cold.  Blaze gets up and Shadow hits him with the sledge hammer!!  Shadow locks on a sleeper hold for 5 MINUTES!!!  Shadow executes a chop and then the Dark Impact.  Shadow runs over and covers the other wrestler. 1…2…3… The Other Wreslter has been eliminated.

Shadow looks over at the fallen Blaze.  Shakes his head and laughs.  Shadow picks Blaze up and hits him with the Night Driver and another Dark Impact.  Shadow covers Blaze. 1…2…3… Blaze has been eliminated!!


Shadow is the winner of the first ever XHW Hardcore Rumble. 



By winning the Hardcore Rumble, Shadow will compete for the World Title at the first XHW PPV.  Also we hope to have an interview with Shadow for Friday’s show.


It is rumored that the mysterious wrestler that entered last in the Rumble is known as Doomsday.


Look for a tournament for the tag titles at XHW’s second PPV.


Blaze made a very, very impressive showing in the Rumble!!!  Look for him to become a fan favorite!  Also he suffered a concussion because of the sledge hammer hit and the repetitive Dark Impacts by Shadow!!

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