The Technical Renaissance Man

Home      My Rantings      Pictures      Stuff      Links      Contact Me


Welcome to my web site.  I figured it was about time for a face lift, and so this is my latest rendition.

First thing you might be asking yourself is why the title?  I have been always been a "tech" guy. Unfortunately, I am also Dyslexic.  Which means school and me never got along very well.  I have been working/playing with computers since the age of 8.  I am now nearly 40 now.  I have done everything from computer programming, web design, phone tech support to building and maintaining computers and their networks.  So back to the title, in my eyes a Renaissance Man is a sort of Jack-of-all-Trades.  I see myself as that.

The addition to the site is the "My Rantings" page.  There is were you will find my opinions on various topics.  Why would you want to read it?  Good question.  It is just my way of venting.  Take it or leave it.  Your choice.

On the Stuff page, I will add stuff which doesn't fit else where.  In short, it is sort of a catch all net.  I like to keep navigation simple.  So I figured if something came up that I needed space for...  That would be the page I would put it on.




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