Chris's heritage is that of Newfoundland; an island on the far east coast of Canada.  Newfoundland was owned by Great Britain until the confederacy in early 1949.  It is the youngest Province in Canada.  Chris's parents were born BEFORE Newfoundland was owned by Canada and are / were citizens of England.  As soon as the confederacy took place, Canada issued citizenship to all persons born before that date.  Chris's parents are not really sure about what their birth certificates listed as their country of citizenship, but are considered Canadian citizens, now.
So where IS Newfoundland?.......
About the Vikings and Newfoundland
Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage
Newfoundland and Labrador's Downhomer Magazine
Newfoundland and Labrador's Registered Heritage Structures
Friends and Family Photos
Nephews and Nieces  Picture Page
Catholic Links
Other Stuff
My Heritage
Random Passage
"Newfie Music"
Newfoundland and Labrodor Tourism
Spaniard's Bay, Newfoundland,
Chris's parents live close to St. John's at Spaniard's Bay
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