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 Last Update:  July 10, 2002


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Ambon, July 10, 2002

1.   WARNING BY THE GOVERNOR – Though the general situation in Ambon and in the Moluccas as a whole has much improved lately, nevertheless the Civil Emergency Administrator of the Moluccas, Governor M.S.Latuconsina, does not exclude the possibility of renewed conflict. Last Monday, July 8, the Governor expressed his concern based on the fact that undoubtedly there was still quite a lot of weaponry and ammunition circulating among the civilians, which could incite new violence, not only between the opposing groups but also internally. The recent strife between the Christian villages of Porto and Haria on the island of Saparua (10 April and 8 May 2002, see Reports 259 and 280) were in fact not unusual, but now was fought with firearms and grenades, resulting in a lot of casualties.

The Governor also estimates that there is still a lot of revengefulness among the people, which could explode into renewed clashes. A similar warning was uttered by police chief commander Sunarko.

Another potential source of conflict is the imminent succession of the Governor and several Bupatis (precinct chiefs) in the Moluccas. Last May 30, in Tual, South-East Moluccas, the turmoil accompanying the election of the local Bupati resulted in a number of casualties (see Report 293). The election of a new Governor will take place next November.

2.   ARRIVAL OF THE INDEPENDENT INQUIRY TEAM – The long awaited “Tim Penyelidik Independen Nasional” (TPIN) (see Report 297 and references) will arrive today to start its investigation, which will take an estimated six months’ time. Police chief commander Sunarko said he will guarantee the team members’ safety. He asked everybody to cooperate  with the team in replying to any questions by them according to the truth.

3.   RECONSTRUCTION OF PATTIMURA UNIVERSITY POSTPONED – Impressive funds are waiting to be spent on reconstruction of the national Universitas Pattimura. However, the situation in the Muslim area of Poka/Rumahtiga – the original site of the university – is considered not safe enough to immediately start construction. So part of the funds will be reallocated in favour of the alternative campus at the fairly neutral zone near the Pohon Pule bridge in the city of Ambon. Some large new buildings are already under construction there.

4.   MODERATE SUCCESS OF SWEEPING ACTIVITY – During a house-to-house sweeping action in the Christian neighbourhoods of Mangga Dua, Batugantung and Gudang Arang, some weaponry, bombs and ammunition was confiscated.


C.J.Bφhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


• © Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina

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