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 Last Update:  May 30, 2002


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1.    HIGHEST MILITARY COMMANDER – Two-stars Major General Djoko Santoso of the Kostrad (army) has been appointed as the PANGKOOPSLIKAM (Panglima Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan = Operational Chief Commander for Restoring Security). At the same time he will be the new military chief commander of Kodam XVI Pattimura, replacing Brig.Gen. Mustopo in that function (Kodam is short for Komando Militer = Military Command). His inauguration in both functions will take place in Ambon this morning. Many local civilians – witnessing also the recent arrival of the “Instantly Reacting Striking Forces” – seem to feel unhappy with this development and look upon it as a surreptitious change of the civil emergency into military emergency and proof of paying inproportional attention to separatist aspirations rather than going after provocateurs. The same opinion was expressed in Jakarta by Munir, chairman of KONTRAS (Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan = Commission for Disappeared Persons and Victims of Violence). He said on the commercial SCTV that in a Civil Emergency State the military should restrict themselves to backing-up police forces and not the other way round. However, a former National Supreme Police Commander (Kapolri) said on the same occasion that this procedure was according to the law, if only the military kept aloof from any interfering in investigation in connection with legal processes.

2.   DISCORDANCE BETWEEN POLICE AND MILITARY – Judging by various recent statements, procedures and actions by government, police and military officials in Jakarta in connection with security enforcement in the Moluccas, “Jakarta” seems to be rather disturbed by the apparent lack of harmony between military and police forces, especially since the controversy in the Kudamati neighbourhood, Ambon, on May 13, between military Kopassus and police Brimob forces. We do not know how far this rivalry between the two forces dates back. We ourselves – when staying in Ambon from 1975 to 1980 – on various occasions witnessed events of antagonism between the two of them in those years. This mutual irritation lives among their own grassroots rather than between their leaders.

3.   FRESH BRIMOB POLICE FORCES – Last Tuesday, May 28, 2002, 719 Brimob troops arrived in Ambon to replace a Brimob Police regiment that will leave this morning after serving during a period of seven months in Ambon and on several nearby islands. The newcomers will be stationed at the same critical places (Nania, Gonzalo Veloso, Saparua etc.).

4.   MISSTATING HIDDEN SUPPLIES OF RMS WEAPONRY – On several occasions Military Chief Commander Brig.Gen. Mustopo declared that four caches of RMS/FKM weaponry had been located. Provincial Legislative Council members Max Pentury and Yunus Tipta (together with many others) wonder why such information should be brought into public prior to carrying out the uncovering of those caches. Why – unlike violent Muslim reaction to the detention of Yafar Umar Thalib – were not those weapons used by the separatists as reaction to the detention of FKM leader Alex Manuputty c.s.? Maybe there simply is not any RMS/FKM militia? And maybe Mustopo is telling lies?

5.   ADDITIONAL CASUALTY OF SPEEDBOAT ATTACK – One of the twelve injured as a result of the attack on a speedboat (of which the name was Oyo Star) on May 25, 2002 (see Report 290),  having had extracted two big bullets from his chest in Saparua hospital, succumbed consequently, thus bringing the total number on five killed. Police Chief Commander Sunarko confirmed that the attackers had used SS-1 and MK-3 rifles. Though both speedboats that were used by the assailants meanwhile have been found, there is no trace yet of the attackers themselves.

6.   PLANNING A NEW TOWN COUNCIL HALL – Angered by the fatal bomb explosion on the “California” motorboat on December 11, 2001, christians then laid the Ambon Council Hall in ashes (see Report 214). Council Chairman Drs. Lucky Wattimury recently declared to the press that a new Council Hall has been designed. It will have three floors and will cost an estimated six billion rupiahs (about Eur 740.000,- or US$ 665,000.-). Both the central government and the provincial government have been approached to provide funds for this project.

7.   FAKE POLICEWOMAN ARRESTED – As was shown on local TV, there was much hilarity among both male and female police officers when last Tuesday, May 28, they arrested a woman that – having laid hands on a police uniform – for several days managed to function as such. Even police chief commander Sunarko could not help laughing when he explained the case to the reporters. Alas, she was a pitiful figure among her “fellow” police officers.


C.J.Bφhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina



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