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 Last Update:  May 20, 2002

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Ambon, May 20, 2002

1.   STATEMENT OF ADAT CHIEFS – A party of about 150 people went up to the Governor’s residence at Mangga Dua last Saturday, 18 May. It consisted of Muslim Adat Chiefs (so-called Latupati), religious leaders, leading civilians and delegates from youth organisations, coming from Ambon and some other parts of the Central Moluccas area (Leihitu, Hatuhaha, Laha, Salahutu, Batumerah, Banda-Eli, West Seram etc.). They said to have come to communicate their stand, especially in connection with post-Malino unrest in Ambon. Their five-point statement focused on: (1) Condemning all anarchism and the recent acts of violence and terrorism; (2) Supporting the government in its efforts to end the violence, to exert law and order and reestablish safe living conditions in the Moluccas; (3) Urging the Muslim leaders to bring about reconciliation within the Muslim community itself by sincere dialogue; (4) Activating the muslim community to take care and maintain ukhuwah Islamiah (Islam brotherhood). (5) If no heed is paid to these four items, the Muslim community will apply punishment according to local adat. The statement was signed by a number of Latupatis and also by the BIMM (“Badan Immarat Muslim Maluku”) chairman Kyai Haji Ali Fauzi.

This statement was highly appreciated by the governor. He said it should create unity among the Muslims and foster reconciliation with the Christians. The governor also said that indeed internal reconciliation was an important step towards bringing back the Moluccas to normal living conditions. Both Christians and Muslims recently had internal conflicts (the Porto-Haria strife, the commotion around Berthy Loupatty, the burning of Thamrin Elly’s house etc.).

Syamsiar W., leader of the Assistance Team (see Report 273), declared in an ensuing interview, that the Latupati statement was an important step towards ending the conflict. He said the Christians should do likewise.

2.   MALINO DELEGATE’S HOUSE UNDER FIRE – At about 2.30 yesterday morning Kopassus military directed gunfire at the house of Christian grassroot Pemmy Souissa in the OSM area; Pemmy was also one of the Malino delegates. Nobody was hurt in this incident. Kopassus commander Imam Santoso afterwards declared to the press, that the firing was only meant as warning because the curfew was being violated. Unfortunately a number of shots that were aimed downwards bounced up and hit the house, shattering some windowpanes. The Kopassus – he said – by no means wants to terrorize civilians. Pemmy, however, insisted that the shootig was directed at him while he was standing in front of his house, alarmed by some bomb explosions and gunfire in nearby Kudamati.

3.   LASKAR JIHAD TO LEAVE THE MOLUCCAS – Laskar Jihad leader Jafar Umar Thalib, now in detention in Jakarta, reportedly has ordered the Laskar Jihad to leave the Moluccas. Asked for his commentary, the Governor said he was genuinely glad to learn this piece of news and would facilitate their departure using all available means.

4.   LASKAR JIHAD HANDS OVER WEAPONRY – Yesterday morning, at their quarters near the Amal Saleh Mosque compound of Kebun Cengkeh, Ambon, Jihad forces officially handed over a number of weapons to Military Chief Commander Brigader General Mustopo. Among the 21 different kinds of weaponry there were 250 home-made bombs, 100 molotov cocktails and several standard rifles and pistols. This reconciliatory act – they said – was based on the recommendation of Vice President Hamzah Haz that the Laskar Jihad should surrender their weapons and leave the Moluccas, and was also motivated by their increasing trust in the government now that FKM leaders Alex Manuputty and Semmy Waeleruny and 18 other RMS/FKM suspects had been detained. They said they expected the government to protect the Muslim community in the Moluccas, especially against the RMS/FM separatist movement. Mustopo confirmed that he will not disappoint them. He added that he had asked the government in Jakarta to send a team of specialists to find the caches of RMS/FKM weaponry in Ambon.

5.   GOVERNOR’S TERM – The period of tenure of a Governor, head of a Province, is five years. Governor Dr. M.S.Latuconsina thus has still about six months to go. On various occasions it has been put forward, that the special conflict situation in the Moluccas needs somebody with special abilities and professionalism in coping with such circumstances. 

C.J.Böhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina



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