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 Last Update:  May 15, 2002

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(2nd Report today)

Ambon, May 15, 2002

1.   CONTROVERSY BETWEEN BRIMOB AND KOPASSUS – In the Christian Kudamati neighbourhood, city of Ambon, is a Christian militia group called “Coker”. Coker is short for Cowo-Cowo Keren (Ambonese, meaning “Bold Youngsters”, see Report 89 no.4). Last Monday, May 13, Brimob police, assisted by regular police forces, went after Berty Loupatty, leader of this group. Berty was suspected of certain recent “irregularities” in relation to the Moluccas conflict. Due to mutual misunderstanding, some police servicemen got in conflict with locally stationed Kopassus military forces. Two Kopassus members were caught and taken to Police HQ in Batumeja. There they were mishandled by certain police servicemen in such atrocious way that they needed intensive medical care; one of them was even set on a plane to Jakarta.  

Following this incident the harsh sweeping we mentioned in our latest report was carried out. It was executed by several hundreds of military of the Yonif 503 Brawijaya, Yonif 741 Udayana and Kopassus troops. In a radio and TV interview their commander complained about lack of understanding and cooperation among the local residents. Reportedly several weapons were found – among others in A.Manuputty’s house – and an FKM/RMS activist was arrested. The following day, May 15, Berty Loupatty, too, was detained and surrendered to the TPG (Tim Penyidik Gabungan – Joint Investigation Team) of the Military and Police for further interogation.

2.    THE POOREST PROVINCE – Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs Jusuf Kalla declared that the Moluccas meanwhile has become the poorest Province of Indonesia.

3.    PEACE BETWEEN PORTO AND HARIA – The 3rd anniversary of Kodam XVI Pattimura was celebrated today in a festive ceremony by the residents of Porto and Haria together, thus ending the feud between these two Protestant Christian villages on the island of Saparua.


(1)  Rectification: In our Report 285 no.1 we mentioned Fr. I.Ismantoro SJ. This should be Fr. I.Ismartono SJ.

(2)  Suggestion to those that prefer the Indonesian language to English, to provide a periodic summary of these reports in Indonesian: Telah beberapa kali kami diminta untuk menyediakan laporan-laporan ini juga dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jika ada yang berminat menerimanya, mohon diberitahukan kepada kami, lalu akan kami kirim rangkuman laporan sebulan satu atau dua kali. Selama belum tersedia, silakan kunjungilah www.malra.org/posko dan klik “Lintas Peristiwa Kerusuhan di Maluku”. Terima kasih.


C.J.Böhm msc, Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina



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