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 Last Update:  Aug 8, 2003

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Ambon, August 8, 2003


It has been more than a month since we last met. In this issue we will report briefly on the latest developments, mainly summarized from Maluku Media Centre (www.malukumediacentre.net) .

1. MOST OF THE REFUGEES HAVE NOT RETURNED YET – Of the 352,578 people that became refugees due to the recent conflict in the Moluccas, 202,783 up to now are still staying in refugees camps and locations. The others have either returned to their original homesteads or permanently moved elsewhere. The central government in Jakarta has decided that any financial aid to the refugees will be ended this August 2003, apparently wishing in this way to speed up the refugees’ return. The original halt of any help to them – December 2003 – had already been extended. What is mentioned as still hampering these refugees to return can be summarized as: lack of funds and psychological inpreparedness. We might add: compliance to the present rather uncomplicated situation and – in some cases – reluctance from the side of some local residents to receive back their fellow villagers, like in Kasui and Bula.

2. DARWIN–SAUMLAKI YACHT RACE – The traditional annual Darwin-Ambon yacht race, which used to take place around the month of July, had not taken place during these last four years due to the unrest in the Moluccas. However, the Darwin Sailing Club, upon learning that not all of the Moluccas was closed to foreigners, together with the Bupati of Saumlaki managed to revive the tradition this year, altering it slightly into a “Darwin-Saumlaki Race”. Saumlaki is the capital of the newly erected Kabupaten (sub-province) of the Western South-East Molucccas. Thus on July 28, eight yachts arrived at Saumlaki, originating from Australia, Brunei and Malaysia.

3. IN THE BAN OF UPCOMING ELECTION – During these last few weeks Ambon has been in the ban of the election of a new Governor and Vice-Governor. The Provincial Legislative Council – after screening all of the candidates – has at last approved the candidature of six “couples”: Z.Sahuburua/Taher Laitupa; Fredy Latumahina/Rahimi Yusuf; Karel Ralahallo/M.Abdullah Latuconsina; Rahimi Yusuf/Chris Tanasale; M.Saleh Latuconsina/Paula Renyaan and Frans de Wanna/Yusuf Oesep. The election will take place next August 14.

During a press conference Bishop P.C. Mandagi MSC acknowledged the importance of the election, but – he said – maintaining peace and unity among the people is more important. If this election should bring about renewed unrest, it is the people that suffer. What might create unrest, is any obvious use of money politics or other unlawful means of getting hold of this position.

4. AMBON RELAXED – In his press conference Bishop Mandagi also expressed his delight in perceiving the willingness of the erstwhile mutual opposing parties to forgive one another. Recent places where Christians and Muslims now come together again are (for insiders): Waihoka, Ahuru, Poka-Rumahtiga, Waai. Today Muslims youngsters and members of the Christian AMGPM youth organisation cleaned up the large town’s graveyard at Kebun Cengkeh: each busying themselves with the other’s graves. Also at Jos Soedarso harbour more and more Christian employees and labourers can be spotted. A music festival for young people was successfully organized on July 27. For the children, too, a number of activities took place.

C.J.Böhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


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