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 Last Update:  March 5, 2003


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Ambon, March 5, 2003


1. FOUR PAKISTANI OUSTED / SCREENING OF FOREIGNERS – Last February 15, four Pakistani disembarked from M.S. Lambelu when it docked at Ambon. They seem to have come to Ambon in order to execute social and religious activities. However, on February 23 they were caught in Masohi, South Seram, and found not to be in possession of all needed documents. So they were ordered to leave the Moluccas – which they did on February 24. This is a moderate version of the rather diverse and lengthy reports by the various local mass media on this case.

Anyway, this incident shows that the control on foreigners that arrive by ship, should be upgraded. Also, since there seems to be unsufficient coordination between the various departments that have to decide on cases like these, acting governor Harry Sinyo Sarundayang declared on local TV on February 28, that he now has established a coordinating team that will screen and select any request concerning foreigners visiting the Moluccas, specifically Ambon and neighbouring islands. An important item in this perspective is checking out on the purpose of the intended visit.

2. VICTIM OF SNIPER – On February 27, Umar Tualeka (41) from Pelauw (island of Haruku), while gathering durians at some distance from his village, was seriously injured when unexpectedly shot at by an unidentified person.

Interviewed on this case by "Siwalima" daily, Bishop P.C. Mandagi MSC very much regretted this incident (and some earlier incidents) to have happened, because – though less frequently than in the past – it proves that in the Moluccas there are still terrorists executing their nefarious activities. He wondered how it is possible that outside the Moluccas a number of cases can be solved, while in the Moluccas people just have to do with the assurance that "investigation will be done ns the culprits will be brought to justice", but in fact hardly ever a culprit is caught. Thus he doubts either the capability or the sincerety of the police forces.

3. MEETING OF RELIGIOUS LEADERS – On February 25, in the Amans Hotel, Ambon city, a meeting of religious leaders was held. Acting governor Sarundayang on this occasion said he hoped that the spirit of each religion will create the new Moluccas. One of the speakers was Dr. H. Tarmiji Taher, former Cabinet Minister of Religious Affairs.

4. REFUGEES KASUI – One may remember the islamisation that – starting towards the end of November 2000 (Report 96 sqq., 132) – took place on Kasui, a small island South-East of Seram island, involving some 800 Christians. Recently a JRS team (JRS = Jesuit Refugee Service), stationed in Ambon, went there and met with local leaders of the various villages and hamlets on the island, asking them about their stance in case the Christians would come back to Kasui. Apparently most of the Muslims did not object to the Christians’ returning to their original homesteads. However, village elders in several other places said did not agree to their returning. Main reasons they mentioned were: those christians had become Muslims, and now they have returned to their original religion, i.e. Christian. Thus they are to be regarded as apostates. Another reason they gave was their fear that these Christians would take revenge on them because of what had been done to them. Besides, they! did not wish any military security forces to be placed on the island. Thus the Kasui Christians, most of whom are staying as refugees in the town of Tual and in various villages on the island of Kei Kecil, have little hope to be able to return to their island in the near future.

5. ELECTION NEW GOVERNOR – According to acting governor Sarundayang – not obstructing any renewed conflict or tenseness – the election of a new governor and vice governor for the province of the Moluccas should take place next May.

6. BISHOP CRITICIZES CORRUPTION IN DISTRIBUTING EMERGENCY AID – During an interview with "Siwalima" daily, Mgr. P.C. Mandagi MSC, bishop of Amboina, criticized some unnamed individuals that are entrusted with distributing various aid to local refugees. He praises the government, both in Jakarta and in Ambon for their concern for the refugees, but curses those bureaucrats who appropriate to themselves substantial portions of the impressive funds that are meant to be handed out to refugees that still have to live in destitute and pitiful circumstances. "They are paving for themselves the road to hell", he said.

7. NUMBERS OF REFUGEES – On February 20, 2003, acting governor Sarundayang provided some numbers in connection with refugees. Of the 332.548 refugees (63.971 families), 113.806 (23.464 families) have been either returned to their original homesteads, either been given permanent shelter with relatives etc. or been relocated elsewhere. For the remaining 218.742 refugees (40.507 families) must be found a solution before the end of 2003.

Due to failure of technical devices at the server, all of Ambon has been cut off from internet connection for almost a fortnight already. We send this report out via the local post office. We apologize to those that e-mailed us meanwhile and up to now have not yet received any reply.

C.J.Bφhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


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