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 Last Update:  Nov 26, 2002

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Ambon, November 26, 2002


1. MILITARY EXERCISES – Towards the end of May, 2002, two battalions (3000 men) of PPRC KOSTRAD-forces were sent to Ambon (see Report 290). KOSTRAD stands for Komando Strategis Angkatan Darat = “Strategic Army Command”. PPRC
stands for Pasukan Pemukul Reaksi Cepat = “Quick Response Forces”. The PPRC would mainly occupy themselves with training activities. Personally witnessed by Jakarta based Army Commander General Endriartono Sutarto, a large scale exercise of the PPRC started last November 23 with a landing of troops at Pattimura Airport and a landing of marines at Natsepa beach. Ambon had been chosen for their exercises in order to make them familiar with the local geographic situation, so that in any future case of emergency they will be able to “respond quickly” as a striking force.

2. A BALI – AMBON CONNECTION? – Several Java based newspapers report that the police in the Moluccas is tracing the chemical substances which Bali bombing suspect Amrozi said had been sent to Ambon. It is also suspected that weapons found nearby Amrozi’s house in Lamongan, East Java, were stolen from the police Mobile Brigade’s headquarters in Tantui (adjacent to Ambon town). This happened on June 21-22, 2000, when this Brimob Police HQ was assailed and set ablaze by Muslim/Jihad forces. Officers’ houses and the police hospital, too, became prey to the flames. The weapons storage – which is thought to have contained some 800 weapons and other lethal devices then – was looted before being burned down. Only part of these weapons were recovered afterwards.

3. DOES AMBON WANT TO GET RID OF ITS IDP-S? – These days numerous meetings are held by the governor and other authorities with masses of refugees in the various neighbourhoods in Ambon, trying to convince the refugees, especially those from the islands of Buru and Seram, to return to their original homesteads. However, according to trustworthy persons (like some parish priests that recently returned from a survey to their erstwhile parishes) some of the Muslim-held places cannot yet be considered as completely safe for Christians. But the authorities seemingly do not care. Refugees are offered houses of 4x5 meters, without kitchen and without toilet/bathroom. The refugees insist that they should rather be given cash (between 5 and 15 million rupiahs = US$ 525.- – US$ 1,575.-) than “complete” houses or building materials, in order to be able to build their future homes according to own insight and more effectively.

C.J.Böhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


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