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 Last Update:  Nov 06, 2002

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Ambon, November 06, 2002


1. FURTHER NEWS ON THE CAPSIZED MOTOR VESSEL – At 8.00 p.m. on November 3, the motorboat “Masohi Star”left from Ambon on its routine voyage to Masohi. However, after twenty minutes it capsized and sunk. Five people were found drowned: two women (30 and 40 years old) and three children (2 and 3 years old). Of the initially 140 persons that were taken to several hospitals, most have returned home meanwhile, leaving 37 for further treatment in the Military Hospital and the Al-Fatah Hospital. The harbour authorities acknowledged that besides the 104 passengers in possession of a ticket, another 50 passengers had forcibly boarded the ship. They further said that fifteen people are still missing. However, it is said that the total number of passengers exceeded 300, and today’s Muslim “Ambon Expres” newspaper says that 63 are still trapped inside the vessel on the bottom of the sea. For two hours the captain had in vain tried to get the illegal passengers off his ship, but had at last decided to take the risk and set sail.

2. VISIT BY MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS – The Minister of Home Affairs, Hari Sabarno, came to Ambon yesterday for a “routine” visit, as he declared to the local mass media. All Provinces are being visited now by Cabinet Ministers, he said, in a Government Consolidation endeavour. As the Minister of Home Affairs, he happens to be the one that will appoint the person that will be the caretaking governor, starting on November 12, when Latuconsina’s term will have ended. He admonished the Provincial House of Representatives quickly to compose their list of conditions that will apply to any candidate for this temporary office. But in this Civil Emergency situation he himself is the only one to choose and appoint the caretaker, even for indefinite time, until the situation is safe enough for a free election of a new governor. The Minister returned to Jakarta today.

3. SPMM RADIO SILENT – The local illegal and provocative Radio Station SPMM (Suara Perjuangan Muslim Maluku = Voice of the Moluccas Muslim Struggle) has been silent since the Laskar Jihad left Ambon some weeks ago.

4. INFORMATION FOR DUTCH MOLUCCANS – We advise Dutch Moluccans that want to come to the Moluccas for family visits, to get in contact with Mrs. Paulien Joel-Pareira in Ambon: Tel 0062-911-314285 or [email protected] in order to be informed on the conditions that have to be fulfilled to obtain an entry permit from the Civil Emergency Administrator at Ambon.

C.J.Böhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


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