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Ambon, September 11, 2002


     1. GENERAL SITUATION IN AMBON – We are most fortunate that the Kulur killings and the violent reaction of a Muslim mob lynching a Christian taxi driver, up to now have not led to renewed strife. Muslims and Christians still meet one another at certain sites, such as several markets and stores. However, Christians are still afraid to pass through the Batumerah and Galunggung areas. Some Muslims also advise us – just to be sure – not to board speedboats to the village of Passo. By the way, today two unexploded bombs were found at a common “Baku Bae” market place and consequently secured by the military.

2. VOICE OF THE CONCERNED WOMEN – In Report No. 136, February 10, 2001 we reported rather elaborately on the “Gerakan Perempuan Peduli” (Concerned Women’s Organization). On several subsequent occasions we reported on their activities. Now in the wake of recent dismal events, these women cannot keep silent, so to all local newsmedia they have sent a clear statement, signed by their Protestant, Muslim and Catholic leaders, titled: VOICING WOMEN’S CONCERN:

(1) We, the Concerned Women’s Movement, want to express our innermost concern and genuine grief in connection with a number of acts of violence that again happened in and around Ambon. For up to now it has always been the unguilty, common civilian that is being victimized, including women and children.

(2) Most of the victims of bomb blasts (at Mardika and the Lapangan Merdeka field), of gunfire (village of Kulur on Saparua), of exploding land mines (Waiheru, Suli, Galala, Porto), lynching by masses (Galunggung) are women and children. This fact is bewildering us. And we cannot but ask this question: To what end common civilians, and most of all women and innocent children, are being sacrificed? Has this nation’s morale sunk that low? Is not one of the five pillars of our nation, as laid down in the “Pancasila” that we are so proud of: “Just and Respectful Humanitarianism”? If all these wrongdoings are meant to provoke the masses in order to resuscitate another round of interreligious conflict, we feel most sorry for those who are their mastermind and executioners, as they canniot be looked upon any longer as human beings, since there is no man without sense of what is right and what is wrong.

(3) We heard the military XVI Pattimura chief commander say that the violence in the Moluccas follows a five to six months’ cyclus. Sure, we are fortunate that you perceive this tendency. But, please, allow us to ask then: why do not you as the chief commander bring your forces in full alert in order to forestall such explosions of violence? Do not you have plenty of personnel? Are not they specialists in matters of security? So why does this slaughtering of innocent people go on and on?

(4) We are still convinced that the military and police forces have the needed strength. So let not the trust of the people in both forces been shaken by the pervertedness of a bunch of criminals that butcher people who rightly expect to be protected under the wings of the military and police.

(5) We call upon the whole population of the Moluccas, both Muslims and Christians: don’t let yourselves been used by anyone to commit any crimes towards your fellow human beings, for this is not acceptable before God.

(6) Thus we voice our concern. We see no other way any more what to do but urgently beseeching the government, in this case the Civil Emergency Administrator and the Security Forces, to mobilize your utmost care and concern towards the safety of the numerous people in our area.

Ambon, September 10, 2002

The Concerned Women’s Organization

Signed: Mrs. M.M. Hendriks – Mrs. Lela Suat – Sister Brigitta Renyaan PBHK


Translation: C.J.Böhm msc

Here follows the original text in Indonesian:


(1) Kami Gerakan Perempuan Peduli dengan ini menyatakan keprihatinan yang dalam dan penyesalan yang sungguh terhadap berbagai peristiwa kekerasan yang kembali terjadi di Ambon dan sekitarnya. Sebab selama ini rakyat kecil yang tidak berdosalah yang dijadikan korban, termasuk kaum perempuan dan anak-anak.

(2) Korban akibat ledakan born (di Mardika, Lapangan Merdeka), akibat tembakan senapan standar (desa Kulur), akibat ledakan ranjau (di Waiheru, Suli, Galala, Porto ), akibat kekerasan massa (di Galunggung) sebagian besarnya adalah kaum perempuan dan anak-anak. Kami bingung dengan kenyataan ini. Pertanyaan kami adalah, untuk tujuan apakah rakyat kecil apalagi kaum perempuan dan anak-anak yang tidak berdosa dibantai? Sudah separah itukah moral bangsa ini? Di manakah peri kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab yang merupakan salah satu sila dari Pancasila, dasar negara Indonesia, yang kita banggakan itu? Kalau tujuannya untuk memprovokasi massa agar konflik kembali meledak di Maluku, maka kami merasa kasihan dengan para perancang dan pelakunya, sebab mereka bukan lagi manusia karena tidak ada manusia tanpa nurani.

(3) Kami mendengar pernyataan Bapak Pangdam XVI Pattimura, bahwa kekerasan di Ma1uku ini punya siklus 5-6 bulan dan kami bergembira bahwa Bapak Pangdam telah melihat kecenderungan itu. Tetapi kami bertanya kenapa Pak Pangdam tidak menyiagakan aparat keamanan di daerah ini untuk mengantisipasi ledakan kekerasan tersebut? Bukankah jumlah personil aparat keamanan di daerah ini cukup banyak dan mereka punya keah1ian khusus di bidang keamanan? La1u kenapa pembantaian terhadap rakyat yang tidak berdosa terus berlangsung?

(4) Kami yakin TNI dan POLRI masih sangat kuat. Oleh karena itu jangan biarkan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap TNI dan POLRI goyah karena setiap kali kecolongan oleh ulah para penjahat yang membantai rakyat yang seharusnya berada di bawah naungan TNI dan POLRI.

(5) Kami menghimbau semua masyarakat Maluku, yang Muslim maupun yang Kristen, untuk jangan memberi diri digunakan oleh siapapun juga untuk melakukan kejahatan kepada sesamanya manusia, sebab hal ini tidak direstui oleh Allah.

(6) Demikianlah suara keprihatinan kami sebab kami tidak tahu lagi apa yang harus karni lakukan selain meminta dengan sangat kepedulian Pemerintah cq Penguasa Darurat Sipil dan aparat keamanan terhadap keselamatan rakyat banyak di daerah ini.

Ambon, 10 September 2002

Gerakan Perempuan Peduli

(ttd) Ny. M.M. Hendriks, Ny. Lela Suat, Sr. Brigitta Renyaan PBHK

Reported by C.J.Böhm msc, Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina

C.J.Böhm msc,
Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina


© Crisis Centre Diocese of Amboina

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