Travillent las Bas Game Progress
This will be a page where i keep you updated on the "Travillent la Bas" Video Game, which is currently being developed by Chandler. So far he has a good idea of where the game is going and some character design done.
                                            The Story
Chandler and Pat have created a game called "Travillent La Bas". It is a game that involves people in a group hitting a cup to each other without it falling on the ground. The journey begins when Chandler and Pat invent the game and their coach watches them and eventually starts the "Travillent La Bas League" or the T.L.B.L. without their consent. So a year passes and Chandler and Pat are informed of the leauge and to their suprise they have regcognintion for creating the game. Another threat has occured when Denise (a friend) tells them that a mysterious Clan Lord has started a cult called "The Sinister" and are now the main champions in the league. Chandler and Pat must set out to claim the thrown of the league and stop The Sinister. Yet they are not alone and are accompinied by a small group of friends which has been named "The Fellowship of the Cup."

This will be the 1st of a 4 episode game series. The episodes are as follows:

Episode 1: The Great Hype
Episode 2: Darkness Falls
Episode 3: Sinister Rising
Episode 4: Return of the One (tenative)

The game will feature exciting RPG action and over many worlds of cup tossin' action.

See a sprawling world created from the visinary mind of Matt Chandler.

Meet your friends in the many cameo apperances!

9 Playable charaecters!
<>Taylor B.
<>Bri (Game 2)
<>Meghan (Game 2)
                                             Coming Soon For PC!

Release Dates
Travillent La Bas-Episode 1: The Great Hype----OUT NOW!!!!
Travillent La Bas-Episode 2: The Darkness Falls----OUT NOW!!!!!*
Travillent La Bas-Episode 3: Sinister Rising----2005*
Travillent La Bas-Episode 4: Return of the One----200X*                                             
*Subject to change.
See some pics of the game!

Click on the name of the games to down load them!
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