<BGSOUND SRC="dancemedley.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
*~* The Legend Of The Dream Catcher *~*
                ~*~ The Legend Of the DreamCatcher ~*~

        The Legend of the Dream Catchers is believed to have
     originated many generations ago in the great Sioux Nation
        A Dreamcatcher was hung in the tepees,above someone
                  sleeping,to guard them against bad dreams.
      The Dream Catchers allowed good dreams to pass through
              and slide down the feathers onto the sleeper.
       But a bad dream would become Entangled in the webbing
          of the dreamcatcher,and in the morning the sun would
                                            melt it away
             To this day many people  believe in the power of the
               DreamCatcher .Others see them as a beautiful
       The Dreamcatcher was made out of willow or
                   green branches and sinew
       Decorated with stones.or parts of animals of
            certain characteristics and energies
        Modern Dreamcatchers come in all sizes and
      shapes and in many different styles and colors
            The intention remains the same
The background is from where the
second dreamcatcher is from click
  on the second dreamcatcher and it
            will take you there....
   The first and last dreamcatcher
     are from the same place click
    on either one of them and they
        will take you there also :)
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