The Joys of Killing Aaron Carter

Look Ma! No head!

Yes, it would have been a lot simpler to have just shot Aaron Carter in the head at one of his concerts but I didn't do that for 3 reasons:
1. The little turd jumps around so much during his concerts that it's hard to get a good aim.
2. Aaron's managers have already anticipated that there are going to be a hell of a lot of people turning up to his concerts for the sole reason of murdering him (well they're not there for the music are they?) so they have security guards everywhere to ensure that no one brings any dangerous instruments onto the premises.
3. If I had shot him, the picture above wouldn't have been quite so interesting! Heh heh!

So, as you can see, Aaron is feeling a little light headed. What made me particularly cross though, was that Aaron didn't die immediately after I decapitated him. Instead, he ordered an emergency photo-shoot (the head part that is) and had a few annoyingly artistic pictures taken of him. He died about 10 minutes later and I was lucky to be a witness to this, because seeing someone who has brought misery and chronic headaches to alot of people in the past die, is somehow very refreshing.

And incase your wondering how the hell that Carter kid managed to stay alive and even talk after I had cut is head off, it's because he is actually half chicken - thanks to his father who is not presently available to comment as he is in hiding (what with it being Christmas soon and all.)


And another thing…




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