Are You Evil?

Have you ever been called 'evil'? Ever wonder if you really are? Take this quiz and find out!

You know you're becoming evil when:

1. You watch the scariest horror movies without flinching.
2. You start reading about famous murderers and villains in your spare time.
3. You keep having bad thoughts and enjoying them.
4. You create a website about tormenting people.
5. You watch 'Crimewatch Uk' to get ideas.
6. You develop an evil cackle.
7. People notice you behaving weirdly.
8. You laugh at people on the news and in documentaries because awful stuff is happening to them and not you!
9. You plan to kill people you hate and don't feel an ounce of guilt.
10. You murder someone.

Any of this sound familiar? Have you displayed similar characteristics? Go back and count how many of the above apply to you and check your scoring below.


Evil Rating


Ack! You mean to tell me that you've never done any of those things? Oh come on! I don't believe you.


Pah! You're too normal.
Normal is boring. Boring is unbearable!


Hmmm, you seem to have a bit of an edge, but otherwise you're normal.


You're balanced. Your good side is equal to your evil side but at the end of the day, you could go either way!


Oooo! You're an evil genius in the making! With a little effort, there could be a future for you yet!


Yessss!! You're pure evil!! Hahahaha!!
Could I have your phone number?


Okay my little pumpkin,

Back to Lavinia's Lair with yee!

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