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Welcome to Laverne's Garden Gate

My Doggie, My Friend


I have a little doggie whose as loyal as can be.

He's cute and sweet and cuddly,

And he means the world to me.

He's my friend..     



We've been together  through  thick and  thin

He's with me night and day.

He never leaves my  company

And I like to have it that way.

He's my friend...

           He loves to run, just for  fun

He's with me happy or  sad

He awakes me with his  cold nose

And then  licks me so I don't get mad

He's my friend...


He's faithful and he's loyal

As he sits here by my feet.

He looks at me with his  big  brown eyes

Just waiting for his treat.

He's my friend....


He is my  shadow, he's my sweetheart

He's Oh so very smart

He takes away all my stress

And melts my very heart.

He's my friend ..


What a precious  gift he is

I think  all the  angels knew

That we both needed each other

"Cause together we muddle through.

 He's my friend


My  Mork is over  ten years old

I've had him almost nine

I know  we'll be together  until the  very end

 He isn't just a dog to me. You see.

 He's my  friend


By Laverne  & TexOldMan ©



                                                             Jenny                                   Jessie

TexOldMan's Daughters




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"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make
a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you,
but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler

"No man can be condemned for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

"If there are no  dogs in Heaven then  when I  die I want to  go where they went.

- Will Rogers

 " A dog is the  only thing on  earth that loves you more than  he loves himself"

- Josh Billings

 " Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole"

- Roger Caras

A dog is smarter than some people. It wags it's tail and not it's tongue.


Pekingese - General Information:
The Pekingese is a feisty, bold, and courageous guard dog, said to have the disposition of a lion. Since they are somewhat combative, Pekingese are not recommended for homes with small children. They do however make excellent companions for the elderly.

Purpose of Breed
This oriental breed is believed to have existed as early as 900 A.D. They lived with the Imperial family and were much revered for their courage and for the good luck they were said to bring.

Average Litter Size
3 puppies

Average Life Span
14 years.

Country of Origin


Height Male: 13 inches - Female : 12 inches

Weight Male 14 lbs - Female 12 lbs

Coat Type:
Pekingese have a double coat. Their guard coat is rather long and sweeps the floor as they walk. Their ears, legs, and tail have an equally long coat. Their undercoat is thick and gives the appearance of having volumes of hair and a coat with a mane. Considerable brushing is required to keep the coat in clean, mat-free condition. All colors of Pekingese are allowed, but most are red with black mask and ear tips.

Common Ailments:
Structure problems, eyes.

General Temperament:
This dog is not tolerant of small children and does not get along well with other dogs.

Pekingese Clubs:
The Pekingese Club of America

Midi - How Much is That Doggie in The Window

   Last Updated 11/5/05

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