The Old City Bar
I told Stef I wasn't going to post this until the holiday, but I got to thinking it's been a while since you had a new story from me, and everybody will be so busy next weekend, so I decided to post it now after all.

The title comes from one of my favorite Christmas performers:  The Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  Most folks have heard their 'hit' "Christmas Eve: Sarajevo".  You know it - Carol of the Bells meets heavy metal.  Delicate piano and screaming electric guitars.  They put on the most amazing show I've ever seen.  We see it every year, (including coming up this Wed. night ...)  If you haven't heard their music, I highly recommend it.  It's such a broad base of classical, metal, R&B, and everything in between. I suggest visiting their web site at 

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Holiday season!  Hope you enjoy the story:  it's a brand new Jack/Lennie, not related to any of my other stories.

Merry Christmas 2005
Jack McCoy wasn't sure why he'd wandered into this particular bar.  Not that it made much difference.  It was Christmas Eve, and he was alone.  It didn't really matter what bar he was in, it was better than being alone in his condo.  Too many memories haunted him there.  Memories of past Christmases, with Claire.  God, how he missed her.  Her quick mind and even quicker smile.  Her lithe, beautiful body.  Her shining soul.  She'd mde him feel alive in a way he hadn't felt in a long time.  And then, in an instant, she'd been taken away from him.  And a part of him had died with her.

And so like the last two years, the 'Holiday Season' seemed entirely empty.  The happiness that everyone else seemed to thrive on just irritated the crap out of him.  He worked late, doing his best to try to ignore all the festivities around him.  He'd had to put in an appearance at the office Holiday Party, but he just used it as an excuse to drink an even larger than usual amount of Adam Schiff's excellent Scotch whiskey.  He knew his friend and mentor was worried about him.  Adam had invited him to spend the holidays at the Schiff estate, but he had declined, insisting that he was fine.

So instead, he sat here, alone at this old city bar, staring into his third scotch, waiting for the 'holiday' to be over.

Lennie Briscoe shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his overcoat.  It was getting pretty damned cold, even starting to snow.  There had been a time when he'd have smiled at the thought of snowfall on Christmas Eve.  But somehow this year it just felt cold and forbidding.  Just like his heart.

Despite her mother's determination to raise the girls Jewish, Cathy had loved Christmas. It was the one thing she and her dad had always shared Her childlike delight at a snowfall like this hadn't waned as she grew up. And snow falling on Christmas Eve would have thrilled her. Julia, her older sister, was more like their mother, holding to the Jewish traditions.  She couldn't care less about Christmas Eve, snow or no snow.

But Cathy wasn't here to see this one.  She was gone, and no matter how hard he tried, Lennie couldn't stop blaming himself for her death.  His baby was dead, and without her, Christmas seemed kind of pointless.  He felt more alone now than he ever had before.  Sitting in his mouse-hole of an apartment had left him feeling so terribly alone he just couldn't stand it.  Maybe he should have taken Rey Curtis' invitation to go to Midnight Mass with his family.  But he'd been afraid that Rey's family would just make him miss Cathy even more, and besides, he just couldn't take the whole religion thing quite as seriously as his partner did. 

So instead, he headed out into the city that he loved.  He'd been wandering the streets for a couple of hours now, just watching people hustling and bustling with those last minute errands.  Seeing life going on had actually done wonders for his sagging spirits.  But now it was getting late, and just about everybody was wherever they were going to spend the holiday.  The snow was starting to come down harder now, and some wind was starting to whip it around.  Lennie spotted the neon sign of a bar just up ahead and decided to duck in to get out of the cold for a while.  And truth be told, now he really didn't want to be alone.  A bar full of strangers was, he supposed, at least a little better than wandering around out here alone.

As he entered the dimly lit room, Lennie glanced around.  There weren't a lot of people there, just a few lonely souls like himself who had nothing better to go home to, he supposed.  And there, sitting alone at one end of the bar, a familiar face. 

Lennie hesitated.  He had a feeling he knew why Jack was here.  It was pretty obvious to everybody who worked with him that the EADA was still mourning for Claire Kincaid, more than two years after her death. For the time being, Lennie decided to give Jack his space.  He walked over to the other side of the bar and ordered a cup of coffee, declining the bartender's offer of some Irish whiskey to top it off.

From where he sat, Lennie watched McCoy.  The attorney was a very striking-looking man, his thick, salt-and-pepper hair well on it's way to becoming 'Irish Sterling.'  Tall, imposing in the courtroom, now he was dressed more casually in jeans and a heavy cable-knit sweater.  At the moment he was gazing into a glass, which Lennie assumed was filled with Scotch, as if it could somehow tell him the secrets he was looking for.  But Lennie knew that there weren't really any answers in there. 

Jack picked up the glass and downed its contents in one gulp.  His face wasn't what you'd think of as movie-star handsome, but he had a certain rugged appeal.  Lennie watched the muscles of his throat contract as he swallowed, and had a sudden vision of him swallowing something else.  He'd known for a long time that he could be attracted to men just as strongly as to women; it had just never occurred to him before now that Jack McCoy could be one of those men.  But now that he'd thought of it, it seemed obvious.  Lennie let his eyes run over McCoy's long body.  The heavy sweater concealed too much; it was hard to determine exactly what was beneath.  But Lennie had seen him in dress shirts often enough to know that Jack still kept himself in good shape.  He was tall and elegant and really quite worth a second look.  Lennie smiled as he felt the first faint stirrings in his groin. 

Of course, McCoy had a reputation of being a right bastard in the courtroom, and especially since Claire had died, out of it as well.  He kept everybody at a distance these days, as if he were afraid that getting close to someone would just provide fate another chance to tear them away from him.  He hadn't even made a move on his latest assistant, the lovely Abbie Carmichael.  Who Lennie wouldn't mind getting to know better himself, even if she was young enough to be his daughter.

Lennie chuckled to himself.  No, his days of having a shot at beauties like her were long gone. But McCoy, now he had his own kind of magnetism.  Lennie felt his eyes drawn back again and again.  He began to fantasize about feeling that powerful body next to his.  They were well matched, about the same height, same general build.  Long and lean.  The fingers that gripped the glass of scotch were long, powerful.  Lennie imagined them brushing against his thigh, his prick.  //
Oh, yeah � // It was a pretty picture.

But was there any chance it could be more than a fantasy?  Lennie studied him, trying to decipher the man.  He had a long reputation with female assistants.  But everybody knew he hadn't touched a woman since Claire.  Maybe he was ready for something different?

Jack stared into the now empty glass.  The cure for emptiness was to fill it again.  He was about to flag down the bartender when the ultimate truth of that thought hit him between the eyes.  Empty.  That's how he felt, how he'd been feeling ever since Claire died.  For the past several months, he'd been struggling with something he just couldn't quite put a name to.  He was tired of being empty.  It was time to fill himself up again. 
But with what?  Scotch?  That's what he'd been doing for over two years now.  It didn't work.  It just left him still empty � and with a hangover.  He was getting too old for these benders.  Five years ago he could have drunk the bartender under the counter and still won in the courtroom the next day.  But now it was getting harder and harder to get up every morning.

He glanced around the bar.  Mostly men; not much to choose from in the female department.  But then, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.  Claire had owned his heart in a way nobody else ever had.  He wasn't ready to be owned like that again.  Shortly after his divorce, when he was in a serious 'woman hating' phase, he had fooled around with a couple of guys.  Everybody knew about his liaisons with his female assistants; but nobody had suspected the one male assistant he'd had back then.   It had suited him; the sex was hard, physical, without all the romantic fru-fru that most women wanted.  But there had been enough of an emotional connection there to make him feel human again. 

Maybe that was what he needed now; a good, hard, rough-and-tumble fuck.  But deep inside he knew that wasn't right either.  Sex with strangers had never appealed to him.  There had to be SOME kind of an emotional connection.

It was then that his eyes completed their circuit of the bar and came to rest on the lanky figure in the back corner.  His eyes narrowed.  What the hell was Lennie Briscoe doing in this bar?  The last time they'd been in a bar together had been the night Claire died.  In fact, he'd always been just a little jealous of the fact that Lennie was with Claire at the end.  If she hadn't been driving Briscoe home �

With a shake of his head, Jack aborted that line of thought.  It wasn't Lennie's fault.  In fact, when it came to the people he worked with, Jack had to admit that Lennie was definitely one of the good guys.  He knew the detective had a bit of a shaky past, but now that he was sober, he was one hell of a good cop.  And a decent guy, too.  Jack knew that his tough ass attitude rubbed a lot of cops the wrong way.  But Lennie was just so naturally good-natured that it seemed to slide right past him.

It took Jack a couple of minutes to realize that Lennie was looking right at him, a curious smile on his face.  When he realized that Jack had finally noticed him, he nodded toward a table at the back of the room, an obvious invitation punctuated by one raised eyebrow.

What the hell,// Jack thought, calling the bartender over for a refill before getting up and joining Lennie at the table.

Lennie was waiting for him, sipping his coffee.  "Evening, Jack."

Jack raised his glass.  "Lennie.  What brings you out this way?"

Lennie put his mug down.  "Just restless, I guess. Went out for a walk a couple of hours ago.  Ended up here."

It was Jack's turn for a raised eyebrow.  "Avoiding the holiday?"

Lennie shrugged.  "Cathy always loved Christmas.  Didn't feel right without her."

It wasn't until then that Jack remembered that Lennie had lost his daughter earlier this year.  But despite the loss, Lennie didn't look all that upset at the moment.  In fact, the expression on his face was quite composed, almost amused.  "But getting out and watching people run their last minute errands reminded me that life goes on.  Christmas comes whether we welcome it or not.  So we might as well make the best of it." 

Jack could feel Lennie's eyes boring into him, driving home the message.  And something else, Jack couldn't quite figure out what.  They'd never been particularly close, not even what you'd really call friends.  Friendly co-workers was about it.  But at the moment Jack felt a strange kinship with Lennie Briscoe. They both worked much too hard to hide the emptiness in their lives, Jack suddenly realized.  Lennie understood him in a way few people ever had.  Maybe that was why he suddenly decided to trust him.

"Funny you should say that.  I was just coming to the same conclusion myself."  He looked at Lennie with an appraising eye.  Well past the prime of his youth, Lennie had a weatherbeaten, long, almost horsey face.  His heavily-lidded eyes had seen it all, and still he found the optimism to keep on going, even to smile about it.  There was something immensely reassuring about that.  And strangely attractive.  Lennie gave off an aura of calm, almost of serenity.  So different from Claire in every way.  Just exactly what Jack wanted.  Under the table, he let his leg press against Lennie's.  If it didn't work out, he could always claim later to be drunker than he actually was.

Lennie's face barely betrayed his reaction to feeling Jack's leg against his.  His lips curled into a half-smile as he shifted, returning the pressure, making sure it wasn't an accident.  "So what are you going to do about it?"
Jack felt a thrill run down his spine as he felt Lennie's responding pressure.  Keeping his face neutral, he managed a shrug.  "It's been a long night.  Think I'll go home and sleep on it."  He nodded toward the door, his face asking the question:  Join me?

Lennie smiled and nodded.   "I hear you.  Think it's about time for me to turn in too.  Share a cab?"

He flagged down the waiter and they settled their tabs.  The bartender watched with a secret smile as they left.  Two lonely men had entered; but if he read things correctly they weren't going to be so lonely anymore. 


Jack's body sang with excitement as his hands fumbled at unlocking the door of his apartment.  Neither of them had said much during the short cab ride, and now Lennie stood behind him, a bemused smile on his face.  The door opened and they walked in.  It took a few moments to get out of their heavy overcoats, which were hung over the back of a chair.

Feeling strangely nervous, Jack turned to his guest.  "Get you something to drink?"

"Nah."  Lennie took a seat on the formal-looking sofa.  Looking around the room, he was struck again by how much this place didn't seem to suit its owner.  He'd been here once before, a 2AM emergency deciding whether to deal with a kidnapper.  The books overflowing the desk in the corner, yeah, that was definitely Jack.  But the rest of the furniture seemed too formal, too stodgy.  Jack could be a bit uptight, but not stodgy. Right now, he looked wired. 

Lennie smiled and patted the sofa beside him.  "Relax, Jack.  I don't bite."

Jack felt the heat rising up his neck.  He'd done this before; why the hell was he getting embarrassed now?  Taking a deep breath, he sat down beside Lennie.  "Sorry.  Don't know why I'm so nervous."

Lennie cocked an eyebrow at him as his hand settled lightly on Jack's thigh.  "You ever done this before?"

The feel of Lennie's warm hand was making it hard for Jack to think. He just nodded.  "After my divorce."

Lennie grinned.  "Ah, yes.  The 'I hate women' phase."  His hand crept higher.

Jack swallowed convulsively, his breathing becoming shallow.  "You've � ah � obviously got some experience."

That brought a deep baritone chuckle.  "You could say that." 

Jack moaned softly, closing his eyes, as Lennie's hand reached the prize.  He was hard, achingly hard, and the touch of those long, nimble fingers felt beyond good.

Lennie watched, enjoying Jack's reaction.  His own cock was equally hard, but for the moment he decided to focus on his partner.  He gently rubbed and squeezed Jack's package through his jeans, not enough to bring him off, but more than enough to make him squirm.  

After a while, Lennie shifted so that he could reach Jack with both hands. He pushed the attorney onto his back, his hands sliding up under the heavy sweater, pushing it up.  Bending down, he began teasing at one taut nipple with his tongue, while his fingers tormented the other.  Jack's continued moaning kept him going.

Jack lay there, his body alive with the sensations.  Lord, he hadn't felt like this in so long.  His cock ached in the tight confines of his jeans.  As Lennie lavished attention on his chest, he slipped his hands to his belt, desperate to release the pressure.  A great sigh escaped as he tugged his fly open.

Lennie chuckled at the sound and diverted his hand to Jack's crotch, slipping right inside the loose boxers.

"Oh, god, yes!" Jack cried out as Lennie's fingers finally touched his naked prick.  And then he felt the cotton being pushed down and a warm wetness enveloped him.  Moaning and groaning as Lennie sucked him, Jack began thrusting into that hot mouth.  His hands threaded into Lennie's thick hair, keeping him there.  It wasn't long at all before he felt his balls tightening, and then the spasms shook his body.

Lennie gazed down at Jack, splayed out over the couch, sweater rucked up and jeans down just far enough.  His eyes were still closed, his breathing ragged.  It was an immensely erotic sight. He reached down and began gently caressing his own hard-on, waiting for Jack to recover.

Finally, Jack's eyes blinked open and focused on Lennie.  "Shit, that was good �"

Lennie grinned at him.  "You up to returning the favor?"

Jack realized Lennie was rubbing himself, and suddenly felt a bit guilty. He'd been taking, but not giving.  Time to change that � IF his legs would just change back from rubber to flesh and bone.  He sat up, realizing what a sight he must be, and started laughing.  "What do you say we take this back to the bedroom?"

Lennie nodded.  "Now you're talking.  He stood up and pulled Jack up from the couch into his arms.  They looked at each other for a long moment before Lennie leaned in to kiss him.

Jack responded eagerly, opening his mouth to let in a long, probing tongue. It felt strange to be kissing someone as tall as he was, but in a good way.  Easy, natural. He let one hand slide down Lennie's side, slipping between them to caress the hot, hard package still trapped inside Lennie's slacks.

Lennie grunted at his touch and pulled away.  "Come on," he said gruffly and grabbed Jack's hand, then he realized he had no idea where the bedroom was.

Jack found himself giggling at the perplexed look on Lennie's face.  "This way."

He led Lennie back to his bedroom and pushed him down onto the bed, then took a moment to squirm out of his half-off clothes.  Lennie leaned back on his elbows, watching with an appreciative eye. Jack definitely had a nice body for a man his age.  OK, so the abs weren't washboard hard, and the smattering of chest hair was silver instead of black.  Still, quite nice.

And then Jack was crawling onto the bed beside him, drawing him down, kissing him as his fingers tugged at the buttons on Lennie's shirt. Shortly, the shirt lay open, revealing the soft gray curls that covered Lennie's chest.  Jack ran his hands through it, enjoying the softness, before bending to suck at the exposed neck. 

Jack's tongue traced along the sensitive spot where neck met shoulder, sending a shiver down Lennie's spine.  Long fingers tweaked at his nipples, adding to the sensation. Then the tongue worked its way across his collarbone down toward one nipple, as the hands also moved down.  Jack worked his nipple hard, pulling and chewing gently, then blowing softly over it.  The alternating warmth and coolness was quite stimulating.  As were the hands which tugged at his belt, opening his pants, sliding inside.  Lennie gave a startled cry as Jack bit hard on his nipple just as his hands touched the throbbing prick.

Much to Jack's surprise, a moment later he found himself on the bottom, pinned under Lennie's surprising strength and quickness.  The cop pulled off his shirt and pushed down his pants and shorts, freeing a large cock, pulsing and dripping.  Kicking off the last of his clothes, Lennie straddled Jack's chest, putting that cock right in front of Jack's mouth. 

Jack didn't have to be told twice.  He opened his mouth and a moment later it was filled as Lennie thrust toward him.  He reached out, grasping Lennie's hips, helping him balance as he fucked Jack's mouth. Jack sucked eagerly, meeting Lennie's thrusts, taking him deeper and deeper each time, until at last Lennie cried out and his mouth filled with the hot, salty liquid.  Jack swallowed it eagerly, choking a bit, but determined to give his partner equal measure.

Spent, Lennie backed away and collapsed beside Jack. Eventually, his eyes focused again and he smiled. Jack had rolled over onto his side and was watching Lennie with a gleam in his eyes.  It was quite apparent that the attorney wasn't done yet.  Which suited Lennie just fine, although he knew he'd need a little while to recover first.  He reached out one hand and gently touched Jack's face, letting his fingers slide over the rough stubble.  His fingers wrapped around Jack's neck as he pulled the other man down for a kiss. Now that their initial need had been slaked, they had time for something more.  The kiss drew out, becoming almost tender.  Jack's hands roamed softly over Lennie's body, learning the contours, finding sensitive spots. Lennie's lips traced his jaw, nibbled at his earlobe, sucked softly at his neck. 

As they lay together, touching and kissing, something happened.  Jack realized that somehow this was different from his other liaisons.  Most men would have gotten up and left after reaching completion.  Not started this � gentleness, whatever it was.  He realized that he liked it � a lot.  Lying here with Lennie felt peaceful, restful.  And yet also arousing.  It was like a slow burn, kindling the fire in his groin. 

In the quiet darkness, they heard the soft chime of the mantle clock out in the living room.  Twelve soft bongs; midnight.

"Merry Christmas, Jack," Lennie said softly, running his fingers through Jack's hair and pulling him close.

The simple, ritual words somehow touched something deep in Jack's heart.  It was the first time he'd heard them and not resented the universal happiness that seemed to pervade this time of year. And the gentle kiss Lennie placed on his forehead seemed to imply that this happiness might not be a temporary, fleeting thing.

Jack sat up, looking down at the man in his bed.  He had to know.  "Lennie?  Is this � I mean, are we � is this a one night stand?  Or are we starting something here?"

Lennie smiled up at him.  "I really hadn't thought that far ahead, Jack.  I wasn't looking for anything special.  But then, you never know when you're going to find it, whether you're looking or not.  What are you looking for?"

Jack swallowed nervously; what happened next was apparently up to him.  "I don't know, Lennie.  I mean, at the bar I just didn't want to be alone for Christmas.  I've been alone for so long, and I don't want to be alone anymore.  I've felt so empty, Lennie.  But now, it feels different, somehow.  I � I want you to fill me up, Lennie.  I don't want to feel empty any more."

The raw emotion on Jack's face tugged at Lennie's heart.  He pulled Jack down into his arms and began kissing him, tenderly at first, then more and more passionately.  Jack rolled on top of him, trying to get as much contact as possible. Lennie's hands covered every inch of Jack's skin, sliding down his back and over the soft roundness of his ass.  He could feel Jack's cock hardening against him as his hands kneaded the soft buns, pulling his cheeks apart and brushing one finger over his hole.

Jack groaned at Lennie's touch.  "God, yes, Lennie!  Do it!  Make love to me, Lennie; fill me up!"
Lennie knew the heartfelt plea had a double meaning; that the physical act had become a metaphor for the emotional need.  Luckily for Jack, at the moment he was quite inclined to provide both. He wrapped his arms tightly around Jack and rolled them over.  After kissing Jack quite thoroughly, he sat up.  "Jack?  You ever done this before?"

At McCoy's nod, he continued.  "You got anything around here to use as lube?"

Jack thought for a minute, which was actually kind of difficult, since Lennie was gently stroking his cock.  "In the bathroom.  I think there's an old bottle of hand lotion �"

Lennie heard the unspoken end; 'from when Claire stayed here.'  He nodded and climbed off, ducking into the bathroom and returning with the bottle.  After prying out some dried gunk at the pump, it began spewing the slippery stuff. 

Jack rolled over onto his stomach, half kneeling to raise his ass into the air.  His body sang with excitement.  He had never wanted anything half so much as he wanted Lennie right now.  His cock was rock hard, the first drops of pre-cum leaking from the slit. A warm hand slid over his raised ass, one long finger seeking out the opening. And then the cold of the lotion, quickly warmed as Lennie's finger spread it around, teasing him.  More cold, then one fingertip pressed inside him.  Jack gasped at the unfamiliar intrusion; it had been a long time since he'd done this. 

Lennie slowly worked his finger in, massaging the tight muscle until it relaxed.  Eventually, the whole length of his index finger was buried and he began thrusting, angling to find Jack's prostate.  A deep grunt told him when he'd succeeded.  He continued for a while, enjoying the sounds dragged from Jack's throat each time he hit his target. 

After a while, Lennie's thrusts slowed, and Jack felt a second finger slip in.  This one hurt just a bit, stretching him beyond the normal. But after a few moments, the tingling turned to pleasure.  He moaned as Lennie began thrusting again, separating his fingers, stretching him even further.  Lennie's thumb slid down, rubbing gently over the perineum, teasing at the backs of his balls.  The unaccustomed sensations felt amazingly erotic. 
And then a soft kiss on his left ass cheek startled him.  Lennie covered his backside with kisses, sometimes nibbling at the flesh.  It was almost too much. 

"Oh, god, Lennie!  Do it now!  I need you � fill me up, Lennie!"

With a satisfied grin, Lennie carefully withdrew his fingers, wiping them on the towel he'd also grabbed in the bathroom.

"Your wish is my command.  Now roll over."

Jack was confused; he'd only ever done it rear-entry.  But Lennie's 'command voice' had its desired effect.  He rolled over and looked up, waiting for instructions.

Lennie lay over him, kissing him deeply and holding him close before pulling away.  He knelt between Jack's spread legs.  "OK, Jack.  Just relax now.  Pull up your legs."

Jack did as requested, cooperating when Lennie shoved a pillow under his hips to raise them a little higher.  And then Lennie was pressing against him, pushing in, filling him.  It was pleasure and pain, joy and triumph all at once.  It felt so right, so proper.  So good.  They moved together, finding a rhythm, grunting and groaning almost in unison as their bodies became one. 

Lennie's balls smacked against Jack's as he hammered into him.  The unbelievably tight, hot channel gripped him.  The fact that it was round two for both of them let it last far longer than the first time would have.  Long before their release, both bodies were covered with a sheen of sweat. At one point, Lennie thrust in hard, holding himself in as he bent forward to capture Jack's lips.  As he kissed Jack, he mused that it felt as if somehow his tongue and his cock could meet somewhere in the middle.  And still he hammered away. 

Jack found himself meeting each stroke, as if somehow he could take more and more of Lennie inside him.  And when Lennie laid over him, kissing him, he felt the most amazing feeling of completeness, a fullness of body and soul he'd never imagined.  That, combined with the feeling of Lennie's body rubbing against his cock, trapped between them, sent him to a pleasure high the likes of which he'd never felt before.  He tried to hold back, to make it last even longer, but finally it was too much.

"Lennie!" he cried out as his balls squeezed so tight he thought they were going to explode, and then he did explode, hot cum spurting in heavy streams, surge after surge, slicking their bellies.  He could feel the spasms inside squeezing Lennie so hard it had to be painful.  And then Lennie cried out and he felt the amazing sensation of Lennie's cum, buried deep inside him. 

Lennie couldn't do much but simply lay there, sprawled over Jack's body, still joined, gasping for breath.  He couldn't remember the last time he'd come that hard.  He could feel Jack's hands gently caressing his back, sliding up into his hair.  It felt wonderfully peaceful to lay here like this.  But he knew he had to be a bit heavy even for a big man like Jack. He started to move, but Jack's hands stopped him.

"Stay there.  I'm ok."

Lennie looked down into Jack's eyes.  There was a softness there that was a million miles away from the usual hardass attorney.  He smiled and reached out to touch Jack's face.  Jack smiled back, turning his face to kiss Lennie's palm, then reaching up to pull Lennie's face to his.  The kiss was long and tender.  

By the time it was over, Lennie had gone completely soft, unable to maintain their connection.  Now he shifted, sliding off to lay beside Jack.  He buried one hand in the thick silvering hair.  In the moonlight it looked almost entirely silver.  Gorgeous.  He hadn't been looking, but he had a feeling he'd found something special this Christmas.  Time to find out for sure if Jack felt the same way.

"Suppose I'd better get cleaned up and head home."  His voice was heavily laden with regret.

The words cut Jack's heart like knives.  "Do you have to, Lennie?  I � I was kind of hoping maybe you'd stay?"

Lennie smiled.  "I was kind of hoping maybe you'd ask �"

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Send me some

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Disclaimer:  They're not mine, I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
In an old city bar
That is never too far
From the places that gather
The dreams that have been

In the safety of night
With its old neon light
It beckons to strangers
And they always come in

And the snow it was falling
The neon was calling
The music was low
And the night
Christmas Eve

And here was the danger
That even with strangers
Inside of this night
It's easier to believe �

Old City Bar
by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Hosted by