My Turn

For the last time, Adam Schiff sat back in the overstuffed leather chair in his office.  All his personal things were packed, the boxes shipped off to storage.  Soon he would be headed to Switzerland to start a new life, a life without the DA�s office, without his beloved Anna, without any of the things that had been so familiar for so long.  In a way it was exciting as much as scary.  But first, there was one more thing he had to do here.

A knock at the door, and Jack McCoy walked in.  �There you are.  The party�s finally breaking up.  I was hoping you hadn�t slipped out without saying goodbye.� Adam laughed.  �Like there was any chance of that.�  He gestured to the bar; Jack saw the bottle of very old scotch and two glasses.  He was already rather tipsy from the party, but this he would never refuse, so he poured the scotch and handed a glass to his mentor.  Adam raised the glass in a toast:  �To the best damned ADA it�s ever been my pleasure to work with.�  Jack smiled, graciously accepting the compliment, and clinked his glass with Adam�s.  �Even if he couldn�t keep his pants on out of the courtroom.�  Adam�s eyes twinkled with mischief and a smile played along his lips as he watched Jack�s stunned reaction, nearly choking on the scotch.  �Adam!�

�What, you think I never knew?  The list of assistants you�ve bedded is longer than some of the sentences we�ve handed out.  And then there were the men.�  Adam settled back to let that one sink in.

Jack felt like a teenager who had just been caught with copies of Playboy under his mattress.  He knew his face was getting red, could feel the heat rising.  He knew Adam had known about the women; but he had always thought the men in his life had been his secret.  Adam had been like a father to him; he knew he couldn�t lie about this to him, but it made him extremely uncomfortable.  And that discomfort was only going to get worse �

Adam grinned at the redness of Jack�s face, knowing he had hit a nerve.  �Mike Logan, Ben Stone, Lennie Briscoe, the list goes on.�  He got up and came around to sit on the corner of his desk, right beside Jack�s chair.  He reached out and ran his fingers through Jack�s thick silver hair, enjoying the shocked expression on his friend�s face.  �I�ve watched you for 30 years, Jack.  Now it�s my turn.�

His hands captured McCoy�s face as he slipped off the desk and bent down for the kiss.  Jack�s first reaction was to pull away in horror, but the feel of Adam�s lips against his sent a jolt straight to his crotch.  He gasped, letting in the tongue that wanted to probe his mouth.  Eventually, Adam let go and held out his hand to Jack, pulling him up from the chair.  �Adam ��  The DA raised an eyebrow.  �What, you�re the only one who can play both sides?�  �But Anna?�  Adam nodded.  �It�s been over 40 years since I�ve done this.  Bit overdue, don�t you think?�  Jack stood there gaping, his mouth moving like a fish out of water.  He had never even considered the possibility.  And before he could consider it further, his head was being pulled down into another kiss while an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him close.  Almost against his will, his body was responding.  He returned the embrace, his hands sliding under Adam�s jacket, feeling the warm body underneath.  A hand trailed along his ass, sending another electric shock to his already stiff cock.  Adam let out a low, deep laugh as he felt Jack�s response, and slid his hand around to the front, knowing he�d find Jack primed and ready.

Jack moaned as Adam�s hand found his straining cock.  He leaned back against the desk as hands unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, sending them to the floor along with his underwear.  �Up on the desk,� Adam commanded; he jumped up to sit on the now empty desktop, all of Adam�s personal things long packed away.  Adam leaned in to kiss him again, this time letting his fingers dance along the throbbing cock for a few moments before coming up to unbutton the shirt.  Jack�s tie had been abandoned hours ago when the party had started, so Adam simply pushed the shirt back off his shoulders, then slid his hands beneath the undershirt, pulling it up over Jack�s head.  Adam found it quite amusing that he had Jack, naked except for socks and shoes, sitting on his desk while he was still fully dressed.  He leaned back and finally took off his suit coat and tie, and unbuttoned his shirt.  He wanted to feel Jack�s skin next to his but didn�t want to completely undress, so he had intentionally not worn an undershirt today.

Jack watched him undress with the oddest mixture of feelings.  There was no doubt he was enjoying this; one look at his cock left that beyond doubt.  But Adam?  Again his thoughts were interrupted as the older man kissed him and ran his hands through the silver curls on his chest.  Arms wrapped around him and he felt the warmth of naked skin against his own.  Adam�s lips left his and began tracing their way southward, neck, chest, belly, and finally to his aching cock.  He moaned as he felt the warm mouth engulf him.  There was no doubt that Adam had done this before; he clearly knew what he was doing as he brought Jack right to the edge then backed off, not letting him come.  He let go, both to slow Jack down and to chuckle at his reaction.  �Still can pull one over on you, hey Jack?�  Jack leaned back, his arms supporting him, panting with his desire.  �Damn you, Adam!� he all but growled.  Adam chuckled again as his hands teased Jack with feather-light touches.  Finally he took pity and bent to suck him one last time, taking him over the edge into ecstasy, eagerly swallowing every drop.

Jack sat there on the desk, trying to catch his breath, as Adam buttoned up his shirt, tucked it into his pants, and picked up his coat and tie.  �Take care, Jack,� was all he said as he walked out of his office for the last time.

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
This is a stand-alone piece written in response to a challenge to slash "The Un-slashables," two characters you'd never normally put together.  It just flowed out of my fingers one Saturday morning.
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