Click here for story list
The Phoenix Saga
The Prequels:
The Odd Couple

Girl Talk
Valentine's Day
Hitting Bottom
My Hero
Birthday Surprise
Now That's Love

Holiday Games
Taming the Wild Logan
A Cure for Boredom   new!

Try to Remember
Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just playing with them for fun, not profit.
For many years, I avoided reading fanfic because the volume out there for the 'traditional' realm of SF/Fantasy was just so huge.  I figured if I even started to read the Trek, X--Files, Buffy, etc. stuff out there I'd never have time for 'real life.'  And I do tend to have a very BUSY real life.  So I just stayed away.

Then last year I started travelling extensively for business.  Like every single week.  Cable TV in hotels can be rather strange.  The one 'constant' I found was every cable system seems to carry TNT.  And TNT plays a LOT of L&O.  I got hooked. 

And in particular I got hooked on two characters.  EADA Jack McCoy, and Detective Lennie Briscoe.  It seemed to me that these two loners could really help each other.  I started spinning the tale in my mind to keep me occupied on my too-frequent flights.  Then around Christmas, I discovered that there was a community out there that wrote L&O fanfic.  OK, I thought, this I can manage.  The volume was in the hundreds, not the thousands.  So over the holiday break, I did a lot of reading, and started to put my story onto the screen.  The rest, as they say, is history.

My first story, "Phoenix," brought my boys together.  The title, by the way, was partly an homage to the closest thing to slash to ever see professional publication, "The Price of the Phoenix," one of the early Star Trek novels, which started me on this path many many years ago. 

I started posting it on some L&O mailing lists, and it took on a life of its own.  In the time between January and June 2004, I wrote the equivalent of a 500 page novel.  I have since created a couple of other variations on the Jack/Lennie theme, including another novel length series (Love Songs).  I still have some more stories in the Phoenix universe to write, but the main body is complete.  Holiday Games was added Christmas 2004 as my entry in the Jade Palace list Christmas challenge.

I hope you enjoy these stories..  I would also appreciate hearing from you if you have any comments or suggestions.  Constructive criticism welcome; flamers don't waste your time.

Thanks much, and enjoy!

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