Life Goes On
This one was a birthday present for Python ... un-beta'd since it's already a day late.
There was an undercurrent of tension running through CIC.  Adama felt it, but couldn't figure out why.  Things had quieted down somewhat from their first frantic days on the run from the Cylons.  The past few days had felt almost normal.  Or at least as normal as they could, given the circumstances.  So why was today different?

He just couldn't put his finger on it.  Throughout the day, he caught furtive glances, whispered conversations among the CIC staff.  Even Col. Tigh seemed to be caught up in whatever it was, turning hastily away from a conversation with Dee when Adama entered the room.

By the end of the watch, Adama just wanted to go back to his quarters and rest.  He handed off command to the officer with the next watch and turned to leave.  He wasn't overly surprised to find Saul by his side as he headed down the corridor.  A small smile curled his lips; maybe there was a way to work off all this nervous energy after all.

"So, Bill, you want to get some dinner?"

Adama glanced around; there were too many people around to say what he really wanted.  "I don't know, Saul ... I was thinking about just going back to my cabin and having something brought up ... Commander's privilege."

He hoped Saul would be able to read between the lines, see the invitation implied.  But much to his surprise, the XO seemed oblivious. 

"Oh, come on, Bill.  I'm starving; don't want to wait an hour for some flunky to play waiter.  Let's just grab something quick."

As if on cue, Tigh's stomach grumbled loudly.  Adama couldn't help chuckling.

"OK, you've made your point, Saul.  Dinner it is."

As the two of them continued down the corridor, Dee ducked into a side passage and reached for the ship's intercom ...


"What the ...?" Adama wondered aloud as he and Tigh walked into the Officer's Mess, which was strangely dark.  Then suddenly the lights came on as a chorus of 'Surprise!' came from all around them.

In the center of the room was a huge cake, with the words 'Happy Birthday Cdr. Adama' written on it.  Adama came to a stop in front of it, his face a mask of confusion.

"It can't be my birthday yet?" He turned to Tigh.  "Good lords, is it?  With everything that's been going on, I can't tell you the last time I looked at a calendar ..."

Tigh grinned.  "We figured that with all the stress lately, the crew could use a good excuse for a party, Bill.  And since the Cylons cooperated and gave us some space at just the right time ..."

Adama stared at him.  "We? ..."

A sheepish looking Dee and widely grinning Gaeta now flanked the XO.  "It was Dee's idea, sir," Gaeta offered.  "Col. Tigh gave us permission to use the officers' mess ..."

Adama looked around and suddenly realized that just about everybody aboard Galactica was crowded into the room, officers and enlisted alike.  Even President Roslyn and Billy were there, representing the civilian world.  Adama realized everybody was waiting for him to say something.

"I ... I don't know what to say ... this is unbelievable ... I had no idea.  Thank you, thank you all."

At his words a cheer went up and the crowd began moving, some toward the buffet table set up along one wall, others toward the guest of honor.  Adama found himself surrounded by well-wishers. 

From the side, Laura Roslyn watched, and finally began to understand the dynamic here on Galactica.  The way Adama took a few moments with each and every person who came to offer well wishes; the way so many of them touched him; much to her surprise several of the female crew even hugged him.  Including that hot-headed Viper pilot, Starbuck, they called her. Everybody seemed eager to get close to the man many felt had saved them all.  She realized that these people had lost their families in the Cylon attack like everyone else; but even before the attack, they had become a family themselves, and Adama was its patriarch.  And that feeling of family was part of what was holding them together even now.

Too many military types led by intimidation and fear; it was rare to find one who truly led by example, earning respect and affection the hard way.  Laura realized just how lucky she was that Adama was the highest remaining officer in the Colonial fleet.  Adama, she could work with. 

And while at first she had been skeptical of the idea of throwing this party during what was effectively a state of war, she understood its value now.  It reaffirmed the fact that Cylons or no Cylons, life went on.  People still cared about one another, still needed reasons to come together to celebrate life itself.  Perhaps even more now than before.


The party went on for a couple of hours; the few people who hadn't been there at the beginning showed up later as their crewmates relieved them.  Adama hadn't moved the entire time; at some point, Saul had brought him a plate of food, which he'd eaten while trading stories with Chief Tyrol and the deck crew.  As they moved on, another group surrounded him.  He was completely overwhelmed by the feeling of affection which permeated the entire room.  It was as if the simple occasion of the anniversary of his birth had somehow reminded everyone that they were alive, and that in itself was worth celebrating. 

Even his conversation with Lee hadn't been awkward for once.  For the first time since the surprise attack, Adama felt ALIVE.  Yes, they faced difficult times ahead.  But for this one evening, at least, they could lay down their burdens and live like human beings again.

Eventually, things started to wind down.  Everybody still there pitched in to clean up, until the mess was returned to its usual standard of military cleanliness.  Adama and Tigh were the last to walk out of the doors.

They fell into step together, heading towards their quarters.  Adama just shook his head.

"You know, Saul, all day I felt something was going on, but couldn't put my finger on it.  How the hell did you keep this under wraps?"

Tigh chuckled.  "Everybody was determined to make it a surprise, Bill.  They all wanted it to happen - for you."

Adama sighed.  "Best damned crew in the fleet, Saul.  They deserve better than this ..."

Saul shook his head.  "Don't go there now, Bill.  Plenty of time for reality to set back in."  He lowered his voice practically to a whisper.  "We've still got some celebrating to do ..."

Adama looked sideways at Tigh as they passed Tigh's quarters and came to a stop in front of his.  Opening the door, he led the way in, and wasn't surprised when Tigh closed and locked the door behind him.

"Alone at last ..." the XO's gravelly voice rumbled as he pulled his commander into his arms.

The kiss was powerful and passionate, full of suppressed longing.  It had been so long since they'd been together.  That one night they'd slept together, when Saul realized Ellen was dead, nothing had happened.  It had been comfort, not sex.  And since then, one thing or another had gotten in the way.  And truthfully, Saul hadn't quite been ready.  It had taken him a while to absorb the truth he'd realized that night.  But tonight, he'd realized again why he loved Bill Adama.  The man was such a natural leader.  The way the crew rallied around him left Saul in awe.  And after so many years of pain with Ellen, he realized that he wanted ... no, needed ... the unconditional love Bill had always given him.  He'd been a fool to turn away from that.

Adama was surprised by the intensity of that kiss.  He'd hoped earlier to lure Saul back here, thinking that maybe his friend was ready.  //
Guess I was right ... // It felt so fracking good to finally have Saul back in his arms.  But the heavy fabric of their uniforms was in the way.  He pulled away, his fingers coming up to gently caress Saul's face.

Tigh's hands reached for the closure of his uniform jacket, but Bill swatted them away.  "Oh no you don't.  I get to unwrap my birthday present!"

The wolfish grin on Adama's face sent a thrill through Tigh's body.  Then it was gone, as Bill leaned in to kiss him gently while his fingers worked at the buttons of his jacket.  Bill's hands were as gentle as his kiss, pulling open the heavy fabric, sliding over the tank beneath.  Those hands caressed him, sliding up over his shoulders to push the jacket away.  Saul let it fall behind him, not caring that it landed on the floor.  Bill's hands on his arms felt so warm, so right.  He reached out and returned the favor, sending Bill's jacket to the floor as well.  As soon as it was gone, Bill pulled him close.  Their arms wrapped around each other, holding tight, feeling the warmth of human touch, separated only by the thin cotton tanks they wore beneath the uniform.  Bill's head bent as he kissed Saul's neck, licking and sucking at the tender place there that always made Saul moan with pleasure.  He smiled as he was rewarded with that beautiful sound.

As he continued his assault on Saul's neck, his hands tugged the cotton tanks out from Sauls' pants, sliding his hands up underneath.  He buried his fingers in the soft curls there, seeking out the already tight nubs of his nipples.  Saul gasped as he found first one, then the other, flicking his fingernails over them. 

While Bill lovingly assaulted his upper body, Saul's arms wrapped around him, coming to rest over his ass, pulling him close.  He could feel Bill's arousal, hot and hard against his own as his hands kneaded the soft flesh of Bill's ass.  But he was forced to let go as Bill tugged the tanks up and over his head, again pausing to send his own after them.

Adama reached out, taking Saul's hand in his, leading him back to the sleeping alcove.  But before crawling into the bed, he ran his hands down Saul's chest, over the copious bulge in his slacks.  Saul moaned appreciatively as Bill gently massaged him.  And then there was that soft voice in his ear.

"Make love to me, Saul.  It's been so long ..."

Adama's words went straight to Tigh's heart.  The longing in that voice, the need, matched his own.  And then Bill's lips covered his as they tried to climb into each other's souls, mouths open, tongues twining, arms holding oh-so-tight. 

Together, they tumbled down to the bed, side by side, locked together.  Eventually, Saul rolled them over so he was on top, his hips straddling Bill's, rubbing against him.  Both were painfully hard by this point; it was exquisite torture.  He sat up, smiling down at Bill, running his hands over the broad chest before moving back onto Bill's thighs.  His hands slid down over the tented slacks, wringing a groan from Bill's throat.  Letting his fingers make short work of releasing the belt and opening the fly, Saul freed Bill's swollen prick from its fabric prison. 

But instead of immediately devouring it, Saul backed off the bed, completely removing Bill's clothing and shoes, then quickly stepping out of his own.  Only then did he resettle on the bed between Bill's legs, reaching out to gently caress the already weeping cock. 

Bill moaned happily as Saul's long fingers spread the growing wetness over him.  Gods, he'd missed this!  In all his life, nobody had ever satisfied him the way Saul did.  It had taken a while to teach him how to be gentle, but once he got it, nothing else would do. 

Saul watched the pleasure reflected on Bill's face, amazed that he was the one this incredible man chose to share this with.  How could he have been so stupid, wasting his time with that manipulative bitch all these years?  When this man loved him, wanted him?  What had he been thinking?

Looking into Bill's eyes, he knew what his lover wanted.  So he let his fingers slide lower, cupping the heavy balls which were already starting to tighten up.  Bill smiled and pulled his legs up, spreading them wider, inviting Saul to take further liberties. 

Saul remembered the first time they'd done this; all he had ever known was rough rear-entry fracking.  He'd been confused when Bill insisted on laying on his back.  But when they had finally been joined, and Bill pulled him down into a kiss, it had felt like his tongue and his dick were trying to meet somewhere in the vicinity of Bill's heart.  It had been so intense, so emotional.  Not just physical, but metaphysical.  It wasn't always like that; sometimes sex is just sex.  But he had a feeling tonight, it was something more.  It was an affirmation of life, of love, a reason to keep going in this crazy mixed-up world after the Cylon sneak attack.

Wanting more than anything to share that kind of joining with Bill tonight, Saul let his fingers tease at Bill's opening.  Glancing over at the nightstand, he raised an eyebrow in question.

"There's lube," Bill answered with a grin.

Saul reached over and retrieved the small bottle, drizzling a small amount onto the fingers teasing Bill.  He knew that Bill hadn't been with anyone in the eight years he'd wasted with Ellen; so he took his time, just as Bill had taught him all those years ago, gently preparing his lover.  While his hands worked to loosen Bill up, he felt Bill's hands reaching down to caress his head.  It felt strange; the last time they'd been together, he'd still had some hair.  Feeling Bill's hands on his naked scalp was surprisingly erotic.

He shifted upwards, licking from the base of Bill's balls all the way up the shaft, and at the same time, making it easier for Bill's hands to caress him.  Slowly, he sucked it in, enjoying the rapturous sounds coming from his lover's throat.  His fingers probed deep inside, stretching, as he sucked gently. 

"Oh, gods, Saul, that's so good ..." Bill sighed softly, his hands stroking the back of Tigh's bald head.  He groaned loudly as Tigh's long fingers massaged his prostate.  He knew he could come just like this, and it would be incredible.  But tonight he wanted more.

"Saul, please.  No more.  Want ... the real thing ..." he managed to gasp out.

Saul smiled, knowing Bill was more than ready.  He gently withdrew his fingers and sat up.  Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabbed some tissues and wiped his hand off, then reached for the lube again.  But instead of doing the job himself, he straddled Bill's chest, offering him the bottle.

Grateful for the chance to 'cool off' a bit, Bill took the bottle of lube and poured some into his hand, warming it before applying it to Saul's weeping cock.  He wrapped his fingers around Saul, coating him with the lube.  Enjoying the look on Saul's face as his eyes rolled up into his head, Bill stroked him again and again, ever so slowly, squeezing gently.

Tigh forced his eyes open, looking down at the man beneath him. Gods, how much love shone in those eyes, that rough, weathered face!  He couldn't wait any longer.  Pulling away from Bill's hand, he moved back down to kneel between Bill's legs. Lifting them onto his shoulders, he found his mark and pushed in. 

Saul had done a good job earlier of loosening him up; Bill barely felt any discomfort at all as Saul entered him.  "Oh, yeah!" he sighed, encouraged his lover to press onward.  A few good thrusts, and Saul was buried to the hilt, his balls warm against Bill's skin.  He let his legs slip off Saul's shoulders, wrapping around him now, drawing him close.

Saul leaned forward, taking Bill into his arms as he covered his body.  He wasn't as limber as he used to be, but it was still enough.  Bill's mouth found his and they kissed as he began moving, slowly pulling out and thrusting back in.  He kept it as slow as he could, wanting it to last. 

But nothing lasts forever, and soon both were moving frantically, their bodies covered with a thin sheen of sweat, as they merged, body and soul.  Saul really wasn't sure where he stopped and Bill began, they were one in spirit, bodies bound by the pleasure.  He could feel Bill's dick trapped between their bellies, hard, aching.  He reached one hand between them to stroke it,  found Bill's hand wrapped around his own. 

Finally it became too much.  Bill came first, his entire body arching with the power of his climax.  Saul felt his cock squeezed painfully tight, felt the rippling of Bill's muscles as he came, and it sent him over the edge as well.  With an inarticulate cry, his seed poured into Bill's body. 

Spent, he collapsed over Bill's body, not wanting just yet to end their connection.  Bill's arms wrapped around him, holding him close, knowing without words why he didn't move.  Bill's stockier form easily supported him, those gentle hands caressed him. 
Home. // The though surprised Saul.  He'd though Caprica had been his home.  But that was lost to them now.  And maybe it never really had been.  Home, that is.  Home was here, aboard Galactica.  With Bill Adama at his side, in his bed. Life would go on, because it had to.  Because even now, it was worth living.  Worth loving.

As if reading his mind, Bill spoke softly.  "I love you, Saul.  I always have.  You know that, don't you?"

His eyes closed, and he hugged his lover a little tighter.  "I know, Bill.  I'll be damned if I can figure out why, especially after all the time I wasted with Ellen.  But right now I don't care.  I love you too.  As long as I have that, I've got a reason to keep going."

"You'll always have that, Saul.  Don't ever doubt it."

Looking into the warm chocolate of Bill's eyes, Saul knew.

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