to clean hair...
first brush out the pony's mane and tail, picking apart any large knots with your fingers. then rub in a mild shampoo. after that, apply a good conditioner, and leave it in for 30 minutes. rinse thoroughly. if you wish, you can give the hair a tiny trim to even the ends.

to de-frizz hair...
rub in a touch of vaseline after washing.

to restore natural curl...
wrap the pony's hair around any sort of cylinder while it is wet.

to restore natural ringlets...
wrap the hair around a drinking straw, and you might want to apply a smidge of styling mousse. then let it dry.

to remove surface dirt and mild spots...
use an old toothbrush and 409 all-purpose cleaner. be very careful around ponies' symbols and eyes.

to remove bigger, more permanent spots...
use nail polish remover (non-acetone!!!) or an old toothbrush and comet cleanser and gently rub spots away. beware, though. both of these techniques involve harsh chemicals, and when using them, it is important to keep away from the ponies' eyes and symbols.

for so-soft ponies...
spray the pony down with 409 all-purpose cleaner, and use and old toothbrush to gently scrub spots away. and remember, hot water on so-soft ponies will remove the lovely flocking, so don't do that.
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