You may want to read this onto a tape for yourself, leaving pauses where appropriate...

Take a moment to make yourself very comfortable as you lie or sit on the floor. Take a quick scan through your body and see if there is tension in any of your muscles. If there is, breathe into the area and let it relax a little if it will. The floor is supporting your weight, there is no need for your muscles to work at all, now. Take another quick scan of your body, checking your joints: if any are uncomfortable, make any adjustments necessary to let them rest comfortably. Feel the floor supporting your weight, and let your body relax into the floor just a little more. Note your breathing, note your heartbeat, and note the blood flowing out to your fingers and toes. Reassure yourself that these processes will continue as you let your awareness journey out of your body for a short while.
Now, let your awareness float up above your body. See it laying on the floor, and see the silver cord which connects you to it. Now let yourself float up through the roof, so you are above the house looking down on it. Float up higher, seeing all the flickering lights that people put up to celebrate this sacred time. Let the lights fall away below you, so that you float above the Earth. And as you go higher, you see the sun behind it. Pay your respects to the sun; this is His celebration.

And as you float up through the atmosphere and into the vacuum of space, look around at the stars as they shine all around you. Take a moment to enjoy their beauty. And as you look around, one star seems to pull you toward it. This is your special star. You move toward it, and almost instantly find yourself close to it. Fly around this star, which is one manifestation of the infinite light of your soul. Feel its warmth. Enjoy the beauty of its flames. Blend with it and feel the magnificence of all that you are.

And as you, the star, float in the heavens, you look below you, and see an exquisite blue/green jewel lit by another star with a bright gold light. And this small planet, so lovely in the expanse of space, seems to pull you toward it. You know that you have visited it before. And you know that if you return, you will have another opportunity to live in manifest reality. While it is glorious and wonderful to shine radiant in space, there is something very special about this planet that makes you choose to answer its calling.

You travel toward the planet at great speed. As you approach, you are drawn to a hole in its surface, and find yourself travelling through a passage in the surface layer of the planet. This slows you down, gently, easily, so that you come to rest deep within the rock of the planet.

You find yourself in a small sac within the bedrock of the earth. You can move enough to be comfortable, but not enough to go anywhere. It is dark, so there is very little to see or visualize. You are deep enough that the rock is exactly body temperature. And all you hear is a steady heartbeat, the heartbeat of mother Earth.

You become aware of the energy that is all around you. The energy of her living flesh.

Here, within the womb of the Mother, there is nothing for you to do, nothing to see. There is only darkness and peace. And Her heartbeat, reminding you of Her love. All your needs are met. There are no demands placed upon you. In fact, all that is expected of you is that you receive the Mother's nurturance. And without any effort on your part, you grow.

Feel what it is like to have nothing to do but receive. If it is difficult to do this, tell yourself that for the purpose of this exercise, you will open to the possibility that you can be at peace with nothing to do. And allow yourself to enjoy it.

Listen to the heartbeat of the Mother. Hear it through her flesh as you heard the heartbeat of your own mother within her womb. And whatever your experience may have been within the womb of your own mother, be aware that here, within the womb of She who is the mother of all, you can heal those experiences. For the Goddess loves all of Her children, and loves you as one of them. She has birthed so many that there is no fear for her in bearing you within her womb. She is filled with joy and excitement knowing that your soul is about to become manifest once again.

Hear her heartbeat, feel the flow of her infinite love. To whatever extent you can allow it, open to this love. Feel what it is like to receive unconditional love.

This might be difficult. No need to feel anxious. Simply tell yourself that for the purpose of this exercise, you will try to open to her love a little more that you have allowed yourself before. Then open and let it in.

This is your time to feel all the nurturing that the Mother has to offer. Hear her heartbeat, and feel her love.

And now, as you rest within the womb of the Goddess, loved, protected, and cherished, let yourself realize that at this time before birth, before any choices and decisions are made, you rest in a moment of unlimited potential. You are not yet a healer, or a scholar or a builder or a teacher. You are as yet unborn, and you still have the option to become any or all of these things. Indeed, in every moment you live, there is infinite potential, but take this time as you wait within the womb of the Mother, to let yourself open to the idea that your potential is unlimited. For indeed it is.

And take a moment to dream. If you weren't as involved as you are with the tasks of day to day life, what would you like to be? What would you like to do? Let your dreams be big, as big as the soul you are. As big as the star that you are. As big as your present Mother, She Who Is All, could dream for you.

If you are having trouble comprehending the limitlessness of your potential, ask Her to send you some of the dreams She may have for you. This is not a time to worry about details of how they will come to be, but a time to comprehend how large your soul and your potential truly are.

The next step is to realize that while you rest here within the womb of the Goddess, she is sending you nurturance, she is sending you all you need. All you need to do to receive her gifts She sends you is to open to them.

If your dreams for what you would like to be when you are reborn would be served by having great courage, open to it now, for she is sending it to you. Receive it.

If your dreams for what you would like to be when you are reborn would be helped by having deep trust, then open now, for she is sending it to you. Receive it.

If your dreams for what you would like to be when you are reborn would be served by having great compassion, open now, for she for she certainly has an infinite supply of that, and she would be overjoyed to feel you receive it.

Whatever gifts would help you accomplish your dreams, perhaps clarity, insight, communication, decisiveness, strength of will, intuition, forgiveness, or wisdom. All of these are carried to you now on the heartbeat of the Mother. What you receive is limited only by your willingness to receive. For indeed, all of these gifts are in limitless supply within your soul. You can manifest them if you are willing and able.

And the time is drawing near when you are about to be reborn. Choose now what and how much you would like to be.

But do it now. For her heartbeat is speeding.

You hear her breathing deepen and speed up.

And your own breathing deepens and quickens in response.

Long deep, full breath. In and out and in again. And let your breathing become circular, so that there is no pause between breathing in and breathing out. No pause between breathing out and breathing in. Deep, full breaths, filling completely and emptying completely.

And you feel yourself propelled up through the earth, along your cord of light, passing out through the bedrock as easily as you descended.

Keep breathing. Fill your lungs to their base and beyond with the gifts She offers.

And without a pause, breathe out, emptying so that you can receive more. In and out without pause.

In and out without pause. In and out and in again.

And you are propelled through the soil, past the rocks and roots.

And keep breathing as She breathes in birthing you. Letting the air circle in and out. In and out and in again.

And you come through the floor. And with a final great breath, you return to your body.

You feel your limbs as they rest on the floor. You feel your heart beat. You feel the muscles of your chest expand as you take in great breaths of air.

And now let your breathing return to normal, letting it regulate itself. Feel your limbs as they tingle. Feel new life tingle through your whole body. Feel the Mother here in this room, her arms open to welcome you.

You may feel vulnerable and want to curl up in your blanket, hugging your pillow. Do this if you wish. You may feel full of energy and ready to tackle life with new vigor. Sit up, stretch, and see life with new eyes. You may want to hug someone. If they want it too, take time to do this. Welcome each other into the world.

Take whatever time you need, and when you feel complete, enjoy a very special "cakes and ale" to celebrate this sacred rebirth.


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