Something that some of my net friends and I are doing, is to send healing and comfort to those people involved in Yugaslavia; as well as sending positive energy and guidance to those people in the governments making decisions regarding this issue.

What we are doing when coming together in our Net Circle, is raising energy together, and saying the prayer I've copied below, and then releasing that energy to the Universe to go out to those in need.

We are also visualizing giving comfort in the form of hugs and strength to those who need it most......also, visualizing healing and protective colors over these people. So, for those unable to help monetarily;(as well as those who are) please, send your positive energy in a similar way......we believe that this too will help!

~*~ Blessings to All ~*~

This prayer was inspired by one found in the book:
A Witch's Runes By:  Susan Sheppard


Bless these people with blessed light.
Keep them safe through day and night.
Angels come, guides make haste,
Keep these souls from ruin or waste,
Away from harm, injury, fright,
Save them all from what isn't right!
So shall it be!

Maybe all could stop from their busy days and say this little prayer.

~*~ BLESSED BE ~*~


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