Celtic Goddesses and Gods


Aife {AW - fah} (Irish, Scottish)
Call on her for protection, for general knowledge and for aid in teaching.
Through pathworking, she can also help teach us lessons of the threefold

Aille {Awl or AWL - uh} (Irish)
Merge with Aille when you need to think up a clever way to counter an
enemy, Or to teach you to temper your need for revenge.

Ain and Iaine {Awn and Ee - AWN - ay} (Irish)
Unite with these two energies to protect your family, land, and/or property.

Coinchend (Pan - Celtic) {KOEN - chand}
Call on her to help with spirit contacts.

The Triple Goddess (Pan - Celtic)
When working magick in sync with the moon phases, draw into yourself
the appropriate aspect to aid you. By doing this any magickal goal can be aided.


Dylan (Irish, Brenton)
Call on him for water magick or to help you with the contact of Sea Faeries.

Fergus Mac Leda (Irish)
Although Fergus is not a potent archetype, his folktale has much to teach
about dealing with the Faery Kingdom.

Uath Mac Imoman (Irish)
Evoke the presence of Uath when faced with a decision, chalange, or are in
need of wisdom.

The definitions for these Goddesses and Gods
was taken, from Celtic Myth and Magick By Edain
McCoy. I have personally worked with these Deities,
and they helped me alot with my learnings. If you chose
to work with any of them (or any others) remember to be
considerate, leave offerings, and never insist always ask.


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