Mushroom Dudes!
Welcome to the page of Musroom dudes.  Mushroom dudes are draw dudes invented by Megan douglass and Lavender Poodle.  Even though they may look like other things you have seen we did not copy them from anything.  Please don't take credit fro mushroon dudes if you decide to draw them.  Feel free to send a mushroon dude you've drawn to us to be put on this page.  Please include you name so we an give you credit.
Mushroon dude always have red spots and yellow top.  their bottom (head) can be any color.  Traditionally the mushrrom dudes have a simple face, with dot eyes and a one-line smile.  But different expressions and occasionally clothing peices have been added. Mushroom Dude do not have bodies!
Tall, short, normal and tiny muchroom dudes by megseal
Gypsie Mushroom dudes.  Drawn by Lavender Poodle
Cute Mushroom dudes drawn by Lavender Poodle
Mushroom dude Drawn by Megan Douglass
Line of mushroom dude drawn by Lavender poodle
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