July 18th, 2002
Hi everyone,
Is everyone as tired as I am today? Are 
we all getting to old for these late nights? 
Well, our first Hampton Fireworks night was 
a lot of fun. We rode, we ate, we watched, 
we chatted, we lost a hat, we found a hat. 
If you didn't get a chance to go and would 
like to, we are going to do another Fireworks 
Ride on August 21st. I'll add it to the 
schedule next week.
I would like to mention one thing about last 
night that is a safety concern - stopping on 
the road. I just don't want to see someone get 
hurt needlessly.  What we have been doing is 
very unsafe and I would like to see 
us handle it better.
In the future, if someone has a problem and 
needs to stop right away, one rider should 
stop to assist the rider with the problem 
and the rest of the group should continue on 
until we can find a safe place to pull over 
that is off the road. If other help is needed
then the assist person can ride to the group 
and get it. If you need to stop but do not 
need to stop immediately then stay with the 
group and address the problem as soon as we
all stop in a safe place.
To alert the lead of a problem give two long 
blasts of your horn. If you hear the bike 
behind you sounding their horn for a stop and 
the lead does not acknowledge the horn with a 
arm wave, pass it up.
After a roadside stop we should re-enter the 
road cautiously. If we are on a highway we 
should start riding up the breakdown lane until 
we are up to speed. Do not move into the travel
lane until after the rear bike is in the lane. 
When it is safe to do so the rear bike will move 
into the travel lane. 
For other type roads it is important to let the 
rear take the road before you proceed onto it.
One of the many advantages of group riding is that 
you will never be left behind. Let's be safe.
Just a reminder - there will be a Mystery Ride Saturday (7/20) departing 
Burger King in Londonderry at 10:30. For more info contact Sue D. at 
Have a great weekend all,
Ride Safe.


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