If you have found your way to this site, chances are you are at least somewhat interested in the person responsible for the chaos you see before your eyes! That would be me! The Purple Girl herself!!

The most important thing you need to know about me is:

Okay - I admit that it seemed like a good idea to type that sentence at the time.  However, I'm finding it really hard to fill in the blank.  I've been told that I am an extremely complex person.  I guess my family and friends are right.  Truely, there are many aspects of Lavender Joy...some of which I have yet to discover!

Alright....Let's try starting with the basics.  I am a farm girl from Iowa. 

Please do not ask me if I am a Hawkeye fan or a Cyclone fan.  The truth is - I usually go for the team that has the prettiest uniform.  In
High School, I was Drum Major, a position acquired after three years of working my way up in the ranks of the band.  Therefore, my knowledge of football is limited to the following:  If the other team has the ball, you yell: "GET HIM, GET HIM, GET HIM!!!!"  If your team has the ball, you yell: "GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!"  Then, if your team gets something called a 'touchdown' you play the school song!  Wow!  I never thought I would be discussing football on my website!

For the most part I am a normal person.  I like pizza.  I read books.  I love music.  I love
Gatorade!! I have a spoiled cat.  (If you don't believe she's spoiled, just check out 'Flower's Page' while you are here!!) 

As a hobby, I collect antigue Avon bottles.  I remember going into my Grandmother's bedroom and admiring all of the beautiful perfume bottles she had.  As I grew up, my interest in these bottles grew with me.  I currently have over 40 bottles.  I love each of them, and can tell you exactly when and where I acquired each of them.

This fall I will be starting classes at
Vennard Bible College.  I plan to major in urban ministries/missions.  I'm very excited, but a little scared too!

Without a doubt, the most important relationship in my life is my relationship with Jesus Christ.  My life, as well as my attitude about life, greatly changed the day I met Him.  He has brought me the love, acceptance, forgiveness,  and hope that I have always needed.  Many times I have been asked why I believe so strongly.  My answer is always the same.  "It is very easy to believe in something, when that something happens to you."  Jesus 'happened'  to me, and I have never been the same since.  He continues to work in my life.  And he wants to work in yours.  There is only one thing I ask of you as a visitor and it is this:  Please click on the
'Do you know for certain' link, if you have not already done so durring your visit here.  This link will tell you how you can have a relationship with Jesus, too.  Also, don't forget to visit my Easter Page

All About Lavender
Lavender Joy
Well, that about does it for 'All About Lavender Joy'.  Thanks for stopping by!  Please sign my guest book, which is found on my home page.  May God bless you, and my your world be a more purple place to be!
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