Episode 7

Yi Xun and the reporter were waiting for Leo in front of the hospital it was really cold, Leo did came but he did't go in till the next morning Yi Xun and the reporter were very happy, so was Leo and so was Xiao Yu who told him not to give up and Leo told her the same, she shouldn't give up. Yi Xun promised Leo to leave him alone after he helped her this time so she walked away and Leo couldn't find her and was surprised.

Peter was very happy and showed Leo a article about him and Xiao Yu he also told Leo about Xiao Yu, many people wanted to help her and Leo was very happy. Meanwhile at the greenhouse, Xiao Tong was busy with his plan to make a lavender greenhouse for Yi Xun and Jing Jing followed him and she saw him giving some instructions to the workers, she was sad. At night Xiao Tong practised his speech for Yi Xun.

The next day, Yi Chen was home but she wanted to go out because she was bored but Liang Mama stopped her again but Yi Chen was angry and pushed her away and ran away to meet Siu Qi. He knew that there was something going on so he brought her home again, Liang Mama told him to stay away from her, Yi Chen's heart was hurting again and Yi Xun and Liang Mama quickly helped her in but Yi Chen dropped her medicine and Siu Qi found it and he asked some doctors about it and he was really surprised when they told him about Yi Chen's disease. Dr Wang visited Yi Chen and she calmed down again, he told Liang Mama to give Yi Chen some freedom but Liang Mama did not agree with that.

At the greenhouse, Jing Jing was angry at Yi Xun and she pulled Xiao Hui away with her without a word to Yi Xun, Yi Xun was surprised and Xiao Tong called her telling her to go to a place next to the greenhouse where the lavender greenhouse was but she did not know that. There Yi Xun met him and she saw the "Lavender greenhouse" she was really excited, Xiao Tong gave her the key but she couldn't except it at that moment Dr Wang called her telling her to pick up a letter for Leo from Xiao Yu and Xiao Tong and Yi Xun went to the hospital together.

After that Yi Xun called Leo and he said that he will come out to meet her, Leo came out of his car and there was just a car accident so Leo thought that it was Yi Xun and he quickly rushed to the scene. Yi Xun was also there looking at the scene, Leo was surprised to see her and he hugged her, Xiao Tong saw them and sadly he drove away.

Leo brought Yi Xun home and when she got in he immediately called her on her handphone asking her is she wanted to be his girlfriend and Yi Xun agreed happily. Xiao Tong was alone staring at the greenhouse.

Zaterdag, 12-10-2002

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