Episode 5

Yi Xun was walking down the streets in the heavy rain she saw Leo's poster and Leo came and saw her and walked to her. He offered her to bring her home but she rejected him but later she agreed and Leo took her to his house. And there they talked about the old days, the new days and about the Lavender bottles. Leo asked if there was a "special person" in Yi Xun's life or not, she named her mum, her sister and she almost wanted to name him but she quickly said that there were a lot of others. Yi Xun also asked him the same question and Leo said that they were already dead and Yi Xun said that there has to be someone to comfort him she put a hand on his arm, slowly Leo tried to kiss her.

Yi Xun's handphone rang and they pulled away from each other, it was Xiao Tong he was worried and Yi Xun lied that she wasn't feeling that good and that she needed some sleep, Xiao Tong was sad. Leo teased Yi Xun a bit by asking if it was her boyfriend, Yi Xun and Leo laughed and joked together and they slowly kissed. Leo smiled when he pulled away, Yi Xun was happy and suddenly her heart hurted badly Leo quickly gave her some medicine and she calmed down again. Xiao Tong was planning to make a greenhouse for Yi Xun full of Lavender, Leo took care of Yi Xun and he let her sleep in his bed.

Liang Mama was worried because nobody picked up the phone, she didn't know that Yi Xun and Yi Chen both had a date so quickly she got home. Yi Chen and her boyfriend Siu Qi were hanging around together in front of the house, he was going to America for his studies and he was hoping that Yi Chen could join him she didn't know what to say. And then her mother saw them and she was angry and she lectured Yi Chen again about love, Yi Chen was angry and then she fainted and she was brought to the hospital, Leo also took Yi Xun to the hospital to see her sister and he gave her, her Lavender bottle back. Yi Chen was resting and Dr Wang took her mother away to leave Yi Chen and Yi Xun alone and they talked about this matter with Siu Qi and their mother. Dr Wang and Liang Mama talked about Yi Chen's condition, it was really bad.

The next day, Yi Xun was late for work and quickly told the others about her sister but Xiao Tong was angry and he didn't believed her, Jing Jing lextured him and Xiao Tong apologised. Yi Chen was still in the hospital and Siu Qi called her, Yi Chen lied that she was visiting her sister in the hospital, Yi Chen left the hospital to meet Siu Qi again. He took her to a little restaurant and showed her a guestbook all the guests could write something in it and he showed her his message and he offered her to write something in it. Yi Chen wanted to write something but her hand was too weak, she was scared and quickly ran away.

Leo was surrounded by reporters again and irritated he drove away in his car and then he saw Xiao Tong's car he was worried about Yi Xun so he asked Xiao Tong how Yi Xun's illness was now. Xiao Tong said that Leo was crazy to say that Yi Xun had some illness and Leo said that Yi Xun wasn't feeling well last night and Xiao Tong was a bit sad. Yi Chen was back in the hospital again and she begged Dr Wang to help her and Dr Wang did he sent Liang Mama away, Yi Chen smiled and told him that her mum loved coffee without sugar in it and he gave her some coffee, Yi Chen was sad looking at her hands she knew that there was something going on.

At the greenhouse again, Yi Xun was cleaning her Lavender bottle and Xiao Tong was surprised to see it and asked her about it. Xiao Tong was depressed and sat there playing on his mouth harmonica. At night Yi Xun put up Leo's Demo CD which he gave her the other night and Leo was busy with his compositians but he wasn't in the mood and got out so did Yi Xun. Both Leo and Yi Xun were looking at some kids dancing on Leo's music, Leo was very happy to see that people liked his music and then Leo and Yi Xun saw each other.

Friday, 13-9-2002

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