The pursuit of science is at its best when it is a part of a way of life
-Albert Einstein



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From Point Clouds to Timmed NURBS
(In Progress)

I'm currently working with Prof. Elaine Cohen on suface reconstruction from point clouds. The aim is to obtain a tensor product BSpline surface from scattered data. The issues involved include, preserving detail in the input, tackling noise (with with some kind of smoothing) , dealing with incomplete data and data with holes, finding a suitable parameterization for the data and so on.

"Smoothing Space Curves with the MLS Projection", Lavanya Sita Tekumalla, Elaine Cohen, Geometric Modeling, Vizualization and Graphics, July 2005, Salt Lake City. (pdf).

"Hole-Filling Algorithm for Triangular Meshes", Lavanya Sita Tekumalla, Elaine Cohen, Technical Report, School of Computing, University of Utah, Dec 2004, UUCS-04-019. (Abstract).

Part of the work has been presented as a talk titled "Reverse Engineering Point Clouds to Trimmed NURBS" , Lavanya Sita Tekumalla, Elaine Cohen, at the conference 'Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces', July 2004.(Abstract)

Hoping to put more exciting stuff shortly!!

Alpha 1
(Advanced Experimental CAD Modelling System)

My current responsibilities as a part of the Alpha 1 project include adding surface fitting code to Alpha 1

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein


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