Research Paper

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~ Reflection ~

The above essay is a research paper about the city of Troy that has been found in Turkey. The prompt was to write an essay about a historical subject found in literature. The essay was to be multi-paragraphed and well-researched with evidence found to support each main point.

The fact that the subject itself, Troy, is very interesting is a strong point in the essay. More strong points in this essay were my attention getting introduction, my well-developed thesis, and the superbly written body paragraphs. My weaknesses in this research essay were my bad grammar and the fact that I cited document source information incorrectly. I�ve always been bad at grammar, but the reason why I was so bad with citing my sources was because it�s very confusing how to cite things. When I rewrote the essay, I fixed all the citing of my sources as well as all the grammar problems I had. Something new I tried with this essay was my use of a counter-argument. Instead of just writing my arguments supporting my own opinions, I wrote about the arguments of other people who went against my own, then I refuted those. I found that this technique of writing is very useful when writing a convincing paper, and it is something that I will repeat in the future with other essays. This was one of my most favorite papers of the year mostly because the subject is so interesting.

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