Note:This page deals with a fictitious company!

U123 Travel

U123 Travel is a company dedicated to providing a high quality service to its customers at the lowest price. We offer a variety of services to visitors to Hong Kong.

Whatever your reason for coming to Hong Kong we know that your time here is precious and that you will want to use it as efficiently and effectively as possible. We can offer you a comprehensive service which will handle all of your travel and accommodation arrangements as well as any tours around this exciting city of ours.

We have three different packages:

1. Business traveller


2. Tourist


3. Immigrant


4. Useful links for the visitor


5. Contact information

We can be reached at 30 Good Shepherd Street, Homantin, Kowloon.

Telephone: (852) 2768 6802

Fax: (852) 2789 1170

Email: [email protected]

U123 Travel belongs to the group U123, which also owns U123  Education


This page is modified by Lau Wai Hung on 7/11/2001. My email  address is [email protected]

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