
Yep. I've decided to take this site down. I'm too busy to work on it, and plus I feel as though it's time to move on in life. I'm still saddened by the events of 11 September, and I still love my country, but I feel like it's time to move on. I'm sure there's really nobody who will feel too disappointed by this site closing, but I decided to put this little message up anyway. After awhile I'm going to delete the whole site entirely, so if I am still listed on anybody's link page, or in their webring, then please remove me.

I'm going to be devoting much of my time to a website I've started about Anne Frank. This site will be much better and even has it's own domain.

Thanks to everybody who has ever visited and signed the guestbook, it was much appreciated.


You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Ghandi

Always proud...
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