Using Block Letter Format, write a letter to your parents. Be sure to include all parts of a Block Letter: return address, inside address, date, salutation, body, complimentary close, name and title.

Tell your parents what you are supposed to do and learn in this class and what you have been doing and what you have accomplished. Talk about how you feel about what you have learned and what is easy and what is hard; what you like about the class and what you don't like.

In the body of the letter identify the grade you are working towards and the steps you have taken to earn that grade. State if you attained your desired grade in the first grading period and if you are trying to maintain that grade or improve your grade. Discuss the assignments you have completed and what you have accomplished. Be sure to discuss your touch typing skills and your interent research skills.

If you are not doing well state why and suggest steps you could take to improve your grade in the next grading period. If you need help, be sure to state what you need or formulate questions you need addressed. Be sure to state what helps you learn and what keeps you from learning. Also include your cooperation and work habits grades and specifically why you earned those marks.

Be sure to use words that are in the Business Standards, ESLR's, vocabulary lists and your books.

Lastly, refer to the evidence of your statements throughout your letter. This means the work in your briefcase.

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