Laurie Tiffany
I am retired from Merrill Lynch Credit Jacksonville, Florida. I moved back "home" to Ohio and live with my "furry children" ... Bailey (The Princess) and Maxwell (the Magnificat)! I am currently in a committed relationship with a terrific guy and am really happy!
I enjoy reading, quilting, cross stitch, photography and creative graphics. I am currently the treasurer of the new Stow High School Alumni Association.
I spend most of my time with my sister Aggie .We enjoy weekends in Michigan visiting with our "little brother" Pat. My  brother Jim and his wife Linda live nearby too and we enjoy spending time with them too!
Internet Movie Data Base
Bailey - "The Princess"
Maxwell - "The Magnificat"
My "Furry children"
I have three beautiful grandchildren in Houston, Texas that I wish I could see more often.
Kevin Jr.
Kevin Jr. is 17 years old and quite a football player!
Cassandra is 15 years old and quite a beautiful young lady!
Allison is 13 years old and cute as a button
Check out this book!
An old friend of mine from high school  recently published a terrific book . His name is Russ Savage and the title of his book is "Doc Randall's Revenge". It's really a good book and you can get it at any of the following places....
Barnes and
and many other book stores!
Stow High Class of '65
Stow High Alumni Association
I am proud to announce the formation of the Stow High School Alumni Association and would like to encourage you to join. A lifetime membership is only $28.00 with $3.00 of that going to the Scholarship Fund. We plan to award scholarships to deserving Stow High students. There will be Alumni Association events ... like the annual picnic on the second Saturday in August, a winter dance and other fun events! We have Alumni apparel available ... ball caps, golf shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies! All  the profits go to the scholarship fund. Married alumni can join the Alumni Association for the same`$28.00 lifetime fee! 

The officers are:
President - Bob Cooper ('63)
1st VP - Tony Cocozzo ('64)
2nd VP - Jennifer Lee Huffman ('88)
Secty - Linda Coleman Berthold ('67)
Treas - Laurie Graham Tiffany ('65)

For further information and an  application form, please visit the website at

Me in my "redhead" period with the love of my life ... John Butler!
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